Thursday 30 April 2015

Fletcher's packed!

Packed the roof rack on the car today too.  Note to self - next time do this AFTER we take it out of the garage!  Oops!  There'll be some unpacking going on tomorrow!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

4 Sleeps to go

Just four sleeps to go and the animals are acting rather peculiar...perhaps they know we're leaving?

Monday 27 April 2015

5 Sleeps to go

5 sleeps to go...that is, of course, unless we have any more all night parties...I don't think Friday night actually counted as a sleep....

What a weekend!  Thanks so much to Jacqui and Ian for the surprise farewell party.  It was wonderful to be able to say goodbye to all of our family and friends.

Thanks for the great cake, too.  Delicious AND informative!

Saturday 25 April 2015

7 Sleeps to go

Only 7 sleeps left in our own beds and I sure am going to miss this freshly picked, home grown produce....


Thursday 23 April 2015

9 Sleeps to go

Nine sleeps to go now and each day we tick off something on the list of tasks that need to be done before departure....

5 x dentist check up, clean and scale - Complete!

Next, to get some followers on our blog...

Wednesday 22 April 2015

10 sleeps to go

Well with just 10 sleeps to go until we embark on our great Aussie Adventure, thought it was time to create a blog - and get some practice 'blogging' before we go.  So here it is!  My very first blog!  Welcome to our blog and I hope you will enjoy following us on our lap around this beautiful country!