Monday 4 January 2016

The Nullabor Plain

As expected we've covered a lot of kilometres over the past two days.  We've travelled over 1600 kms, spending almost 20 hours in the car, with yesterday being our longest travel day of the trip, at just over 920 kms.  That's a lot of Eragon!

Ceduna was prettier than I expected
Soon we hit the Nullabor Plain.  The Nullabor Plain extends approximately 450 miles from east to west and from the coast it extends 200 miles to the Great Victoria Desert in the north - covering an area of 77 000 square miles - almost as large as the State of Victoria.
In 1867 a surveyor named the treeless plain the Nullabor from the Latin Nullus  and Arbor meaning 'no trees'.  The Aboriginal name for the Nullabor Plain is Oondiri meaning 'the waterless' for the average rainfall of the area is about 8 inches per annum.
The first crossing of the Nullabor by a motor car was in 1912.  Imagine that trip!  A formed road was made in 1941-42 during WWII as a back up to the Transcontinental Railway.  Sealing of the road on the western side of the border was completed in 1969 and on the South Australian side in 1976.
Water is so scarce in this, one of the driest places in the world, that even the air conditioner water must be saved and recycled.  In that case you'd think they'd install toilets with a half flush function!
At least they haven't lost their sense of humour!
Here's a pic we didn't take at the Great Australian Bight because we didn't stop for a photo....
but it looked nice from the Highway!!  (yup, sore point)
Border Village
We're pretty happy to be home
Here we are going through the Quarantine Station at the border.  You may be able to see the boys busily munching on carrots.  Waste not, want not.  Had a giggle a few minutes after this when the (very hot) quarantine guy told us that carrots can be taken across the border.
The border of WA and SA crosses the road here at 60 degrees.
Poor Jarrah got left in South Australia
And I thought Yamba was Hub of the Universe!
 This bit of road between Caiguna and Balladonia is the longest stretch of straight road in Australia!
Chips from the Balladonia Roadhouse.
Must be the end of the trip!
Meet Squirt
Squirt was a gift for Fletch from Jack.  Unlike the two older boys, Fletcher doesn't receive pocket money and thus has no cash flow to purchase useless junk at each and every Visitor Centre, Roadhouse, Museum, Souvenir Shop or corner store.  Fletcher adores Squirt and as I speak has gone to bed with him firmly attached to his back (he's a backpack).
We had lunch at Norseman.  Home is now just a stone's throw away.
As tempting as it was to drive the last few hundred kms home, we resisted the urge.  We wanted to enjoy just one more night together.  Just the five of us.

One more happy hour.
Karalee Rockhole. 

1 comment:

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