Tuesday 10 November 2015

Bye Bye Bacchus Marsh

It was cold and raining as we packed up our little home at Bacchus Marsh on Tuesday.  And let me tell you - packing up in the rain is no fun at all.  Nevertheless, move on we must!

However, it just didn't seem right to be leaving without saying a proper goodbye to Lynn, so we made a short detour to her workplace at the local quarry.  Of course we were enticed to staying for a hot coffee and dim sim, enjoyed under the shelter of her food van awning. 

Our plan was to head south to Geelong and to spend the next few days enjoying the spectacle of the Great Ocean Road.  However, the weather forecast was pitiful, and the idea of exploring the coastline, lighthouses, lookouts and waterfalls in the pouring rain was, well, unappealing.

A family vote was held and the decision was unanimous in that we head to Mildura - pretty much the only place in Victoria where it wasn't raining!  There is something very liberating about changing your itinerary so quickly and completely!  We were now in for a 500 km+ journey, so we settled in for the long drive with a little homework and a lot of Harry Potter.

I called cousin Mario to let him know we were on our way.  I know that when we farewelled each other less than 24 hours ago and vowed to not leave it so long between drinks next time, neither of us realised we would be seeing each other the very next day!

While we were happy to stay in a caravan park close by the Piscitelli family home in Mildura, Mario would have none of it.  "We're family so don't even think of a caravan park" we were told.  So, after a largely uneventful trip and a brief sustenance and playground stop in Charleton, we arrived in sunny Mildura just after 6pm. 

So here we are, with the caravan parked in almost the same place as when I was here back in 1990.

Rosa is the family matriarch here, and at age 83, she's doing pretty well for herself.  She still lives in the original family home, though the grape vines are no longer in production.  Rosa lovingly tends her chooks and vegie garden and regularly makes her own pasta sauce, Italian sausage, and pickled and marinated vegetables.  Every Sunday she cooks a traditional Italian lunch for her large extended family.

It was so wonderful to see Rosa again, and her warm hugs and welcoming smile made us all feel immediately at home.

Frank and Pat, her two eldest sons, run a pizza shop in Buronga, a short drive across the border into New South Wales.  It was here we went to enjoy a pizza feast for dinner.

Piccolo Italia

With brothers Frank and Mario, Rosa and Frank's sons Anthony and Daniel.

Quote of the Day:

"I want to see someone being run over.  Yeah, so I can see how they come out the back end."
Fletcher William.

Fortunately, we didn't see anyone being run over today.  Fletch will just have to wait until bed-time where he can dream all that crazy kid stuff to his hearts content.

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