Sunday 29 November 2015

Santa visits Robe

Our last two days at Robe have been wonderfully relaxing.  I was the first one to raise my head off the pillow Saturday morning.  It was 9 o'clock and the sun was shining bright in the sky.  The park was quiet and peaceful.  I guess that's the benefit of camping in a caravan park full of retired folk.  

Soon enough, though, the boys were up and had gone to find their new found friends Charles, Vinnie and Harvey.  Surprisingly, though, it wasn't straight to the jumping pillow, but back into the camp kitchen for some more baking!

At one stage I went to check on them and there was nine boys in the kitchen all involved in making this delicious custard cake.  Once cooked it was cut while still warm and generously distributed to any lucky nearby campers.

We took a drive to the Old Gaol Ruins in the afternoon.  Constructed in 1860/61 at a cost of  £1959, the gaol remained open until 1870 when it was closed for a short period.  It reopened in 1872 and remained open until 1881 when it was finally closed.

For the boys it was just a bunch of old walls that were fun to jump from.

We wandered through town, enjoying the atmosphere and the many historic buildings and sites. We visited the Robe Ice Cream & Lolly Shop for some sour straps, and purchased a great mini Christmas Tree in a quirky little gift shop.

Back at the van, we were in the middle of dinner when the big guy arrived.

The boys were thrilled!  Dinner was left, half eaten, where it lay as we all followed Santa and Mrs Claus to the clearing where he sat to listen to Christmas wishes and hand out lolly bags.

Jarrah, with dinner still all over his face!

Yes, I am wearing a tinsel scarf.
The Limestone Coasters Caravan Club, who organised the little Christmas party, suggested we wear something festive.  I had to improvise!  We enjoyed the company and the generous hospitality of the Caravan Club members until it was time to put the boys to bed once more.

Sunday passed in a whirlwind of Uno, Fish, Monopoly, Jenga, cricket, hacky sack and games on the jumping pillow.

Oh, and more baking of course.  I think the final tally was Grandma's custard cake x 3 and Mark's Mixed Slice x 2.
Ben the Superdog in the process of signing a Jenga Block.

Bruce, Don & Des having an afternoon jam session.
They were soon recruited to perform for the group of Limestone Coasters gathering in the clearing.

Fish & chips for dinner

We have all loved our time at Robe.  Robe Holiday Park was simply the perfect spot to stop and recharge our batteries.  Jack, Jarrah and Fletcher had great fun playing with Charles, Vinnie, Harvey and Madison.  Thanks to Keryn & Anthony for a great stay!

The Limestone Coasters Caravan Club were warm and welcoming, and not at all put out that we were parked right in the middle of their meet.  They spoilt the boys who in turn were thrilled to have so many newly adopted Grandparents!

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