Sunday 22 November 2015

Sweets & Slides

In order to keep up the cracking pace of this marathon road trip, an occasional day of renewal and refreshment is in order.  Besides, even on holidays you've got to have lazy Sundays.  And today was perfect for it.   We are staying in the grounds behind the beautiful Yambuk Historic Inn, and we have the place to ourselves.  With nobody around to wake us up we all slept until after 9am. 

Smashed Avocado Brunch

With not a care in the world, we spent the rest of the morning drinking lazy coffees and watching cartoons.  The rain and wind once again buffeted our little van overnight, but the sun dutifully poked through about 11am, as we were enjoying a hearty brunch.

In the afternoon we took the 15 minute drive into the charming fishing village of Port Fairy.  We didn't find any fairies but we did find one of the busiest fishing ports in Victoria, wide streets lined with nineteenth century cottages, great Norfolk pines and old stone churches.

Here is Fletch the fashionista, in the main street of Port Fairy, with his tub of "cool stuff" which must be carried absolutely everywhere!

We perused the diverse array of boutiques, antique stores, and art and craft shops scattered throughout the town, dutifully stopping at Port Fairy Confectionery, where this week's pocket money was quickly and happily dispensed with.

By mid afternoon the tummies were rumbling so we stopped by the caravan to pick up some snacks on the way to Lake Yambuk.  The "lake" is part of an extensive wetland system formed from the meeting of the Shaw and Eumeralla Rivers and is formed when the barrier estuary system is periodically closed to the sea by a sand bar.

Here the kids found their utopia with simply the best slide in the whole of Australia.  A beach slide built into the sand dunes, it provided the whole family with several hours of old fashioned fun, and also gave some spectacular views from the top.


Well, ok it wasn't all beer and skittles.

Jarrah was the first to take a face plant straight off the end of the slide.

Luckily, he didn't land here!
We took a break from the slide to join the pelicans by the lake and enjoy some afternoon munchies.  Then soon enough it was time to head home for dinner and an early night after our exhausting day of relaxation.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an awesome slide! It looks like heaps of fun. I wanna go too!!!!!
