Monday 30 November 2015

Larry The Lobster

After five wonderful days at Robe, it was once again time for our little family to hit the road.  We fondly farewelled our many new friends while the boys flipped their last flips on the jumping pillow.  Next stop  Kingston for a visit with Larry the Lobster.

It wasn't a long drive, and Larry wasn't hard to find.  Built in 1979 for added stopping power for the local seafood restaurant, Larry became an instant sensation.  Flaming red and standing 17 metres high and 15 metres wide, he was soon regarded as one of the most impressive of Australia's Big Things.

He's 36 now, and sadly the years haven't been kind to this Kingston icon.  His paint is faded, he's full of holes and he has one giant, broken feeler waving in the wind.  He is in desperate need of a makeover.  Unfortunately for him, however, his legs are bolted into private land, limiting potential funding opportunities.  Even a recent social media campaign failed to raise anywhere near the $30 000 required for his makeover.  To help fund Larry you can go to

 Next stop Tailem Bend on the mighty Murray River.  We pulled in here for lunch and so the kids could play at the playground and mow the lawn.

 Jack, Jarrah & Fletcher mowing the lawn

The weather here was hot and stormy.  Hard to believe that the maximum temperature at Robe today was forecast to be 22 degrees.  We'd travelled a mere two hundred kms along the Princes Highway and the temperature gauge was now reading 36 degrees!  Woohoo, summer is finally coming!!

Soon enough we were back on the road (with the air conditioning on) and aboard the car ferry for the Murray River crossing.
  Brooms?  Cobweb brushes?
This is what happens when I give Bruce the camera!
For the rest of the trip to the Port Elliot showgrounds we were all thoroughly and completely immersed in the wonderful world of Harry Potter.  We have reached the final few chapters of JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and we're all hanging off every word expertly brought to life by master story teller Stephen Fry.

Unfortunately, the warm weather was short lived.  By the time we arrived at Port Elliot there were gale forced winds blowing straight off the Southern Ocean.  It was miserably unpleasant outside so we put the heater on in the van and smashed the boys in a game of Monopoly.

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