Tuesday 1 December 2015

Port Elliot

The forecast had looked promising for today, but alas, we were given false hope.  We were once more battered by an unscheduled storm overnight, and by morning the rain had well and truly set in.  Rain it might, but it was not going to stop the boys from playing a game of chasey around the tank toilets.
Note the distance from the van to the tank toilet.
  Just twelve small steps!

By mid morning we decided to brave the weather and head out for a look around the historic seaside village of Port Elliot.  We checked out the beautiful Horseshoe Bay from Freeman's Nob, perched high on the cliff overlooking the bay.

A cold, wet and overcast Horseshoe Bay

The Johnston Nobs
From Freeman's Nob we took the coastal track down to the rocks to watch the pounding of the ocean and to conduct today's obligatory rock climbing/hopping/throwing skills session.  On further exploration of the area, you won't believe what we found!

Yup, another one of those pesky Obelisks!  This marvellous South Australian erection was completed on the 25th of January 1852 as a landmark and guide to vessels entering the harbour. It is visible for ten miles, and a blue flag was flown when the channel between Lipson's (now Pullen's) Island and the breakwater was unsafe.

It started to rain, so we moved on.  Victor Harbor, just 10 minutes up the road, has long been the summer holiday destination for generations of South Australians.  Not today.  Cold and wet here too!  We braved the walk up to the Bluff, which provided spectacular views across Encounter Bay.

King of the Castle
Then we high tailed it back to the car and put the heater on!  As the weather made it unpleasant to do pretty much anything outside, we took a drive to nearby Goolwa for a pub meal.  The Historic Goolwa Hotel, built in 1853, has retained much of its early colonial architecture but more importantly, it was toasty warm inside.

And the meals were served in a pirate ship!

After lingering until we were the last ones in the dining room, it was still miserable outside.  We headed home.  We spent the afternoon snuggled up watching our new DVD series All The Rivers Run, followed by more Monopoly.

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