Sunday 6 December 2015

Jarrah's Birthday Lunch

After our big day at the beach and playground yesterday, we all enjoyed a good long sleep in this morning.  We then spent the rest of the morning cooking and listening to Christmas carols.

As we are likely to be spending Jarrah’s birthday in the outback, we decided to spoil him with an early birthday meal, while we have access to fresh ingredients and Julie’s marvellous kitchen.  Jarrah’s chosen menu was hot dogs with cream potato bake.

Bruce got busy peeling spuds while the boys and I decorated the birthday cake.  While the potato bake was cooking, the boys sat down to enjoy another of the movies that Julie had bought for Jarrah for his birthday. 

The boys had fun with the balloons, but Peppe and Tilly (Julie's cockatiels) were totally freaked out by them.  Julie ended up having to cover the balloons up with a blanket before her poor little feathered babies would go to sleep!
It was a great party, complete with poppers, party masks, chips, Cheezels, Fanta and lots of lollies. 
And of course a birthday party would not be complete without a cake.  Jarrah had never tried a cream sponge before, and though it wasn't a smash cake, he reckons it was pretty good!
As it was 40 degrees outside, the boys spent the afternoon watching movies in air conditioned comfort.  While they were in the zone, I made the most of the privacy of the bungalow and wrapped some birthday and Christmas presents.  As we are trying to keep Christmas a low key event this year, I’ve had to send a note to the big guy requesting small, lightweight gifts, edible if possible (but nothing chocolate due to the extremes of temperature).  To be honest he’s finding it hard to keep to the brief. 

Update on Jack's finger -
Four days on and it has finally finished swelling.  The pain has subsided and Jack is enjoying not being able to do any written school work.  The nail is loose and the finger still can't be bent.  Ouch!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jarrah is so cute. Birthday cake seems so creamy and tempting. I am sure it was a great party for you guys. Well honestly I can’t arrange a party myself, so I have hired an event planner for my lovely son birthday party. He is going to manage everything at best birthday party venues. Hope to have a great party.
