Wednesday 2 December 2015

Victor Harbor to Lewiston

Ironically, the sun came out in Port Elliot this morning, as we were packing up to leave.  So we made the most of it and took the horse drawn tram over to Granite Island.

The tram has been serving visitors to Granite Island since 1894, and has become quite the South Australian icon.  Personally, I felt a little sorry for this gentle giant whose job it is to pull the heritage double-decker tram across the 630 metre wood causeway with up to 50 lazy humans on board.  But then again, he only works two shifts a week and the trams do run on roller bearings.

We took the one hour walk trail which circumnavigates the island.  Once again we were spoilt with rugged ocean views and sheer coastal cliffs.

Not sure why they call it Granite Island
Jarrah was feeling strong
We walked the causeway on the return journey

Back on the mainland, the kids found a playground to play on while they waited for their lunch order to be filled.
Jam sandwiches all round

The drive to Lewiston, north of Adelaide, was disturbing.  Sirius is dead.  Dumbledore is dead.  Dobby is dead.  Hogwarts is in turmoil.  Harry, Ron and Hermione are in hiding.   We arrived mid afternoon, shaken but otherwise unharmed.

It was wonderful to see Julie again.  Julie and her husband Malcolm are our friends from Wesswood White Suffolk Stud, previously on Hopelands Road, Serpentine.  They moved home to South Australia last year and immediately purchased and renovated a wonderful 12 acre property in the rural area of Lewiston, just 45 minutes drive from Adelaide.  Sadly, Malcolm lost his battle with cancer earlier this year. 

Julie with Tilly & Peppe

Julie welcomed us all with open arms, and kindly offered us her delightful newly renovated Granny Flat, complete with a soft warm bed, big TV, fully equipped kitchenette, air conditioning and an ensuite bathroom.  What luxury!

Just when we thought it couldn't get any better, Julie announced she was taking us out for dinner.  We resisted, but this lady can be very persuasive.  So off we went to the nearby Two Wells Hotel.

I enjoyed a great prawn salad for dinner, Bruce did justice to the chicken schnitzel and Julie tackled the Garfish with a few prawns on the side.  The boys quickly devoured their nuggets and chips before disappearing out to the front bar for a couple of games of pool only returning for their icecream topped with caramel sauce and sprinkles!

All in all a wonderful day.  It's so easy to love Julie with her warm personality and great sense of humour, and the boys immediately adopted her as their SA Grandma.

Unfortunately, the peace, joy and serenity of the evening was blown apart when we arrived home and hopped out of the car, and Jack shut the door...

...on his finger.

He did a good job on it, and he's not likely to keep that fingernail attached too much longer.  The poor little tacker was so distraught we needed to treat him for shock before we could treat him with pain management.  After much frozen pea-ing and some painkillers it was still well after 2am when he (and I) finally got some sleep.

The upside is the weather forecast for the next few days.  Summer has finally arrived in SA!

Thursday 30
Friday 35
Saturday 39
Sunday 40
Monday 36

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