Tuesday 8 December 2015

Back in the Outback

And so our time with Julie was coming to an end.

On Monday morning we took a drive to nearby Elizabeth to run a few final errands before heading back into the outback.   On the way we listened to the last chapter of the 7th and final Harry Potter book – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  As expected, good triumphed over evil, but not before the good guys sustained heavy losses.  RIP Sirius, Albus, Dobby, Remus, Tonks and Fred.

At the shops I bought some shorts.  Size XL.  Oh dear.  Nothing like an increase in dress size as a motivator to make healthier choices!  Sadly, my motivation was short lived.  It lasted only until the lady at Donut King offered us 4 free donuts with our coffees…..

The sense of loss that follows the conclusion of any good book was palpable in the car on the way home.  As Jack so aptly pointed out, there was now no reason to rush through homework in the car.  However we filled the void with a Harry Potter Incantation Quiz and a heated discussion about who really ended up with the Elder Wand.
Later in the afternoon, when some of the heat had gone out of the day, we succumbed to the nagging and took the boys back to the St Kilda Adventure Playground.  More fun. 
More sliding
  More flying
More swinging
All topped off by a  beautiful sunset for our last night in Lewiston.

Yesterday afternoon we had packed the van in anticipation of an early start this morning.  Lucky we did, as we were hit by a severe thunder storm with lashing rain in the early hours.  Happy in the knowledge we didn’t have to pack up a wet van in the morning, we snuggled down in our comfortable bungalow and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the storm outside!

Julie occupied the kids with a ride around the property on the quad bike while Bruce and I did the final packing on Tuesday morning.  There were big hugs all round and we were very sad to leave our beautiful friend Julie and our very luxurious accommodation in her private bungalow.

We’ve had lots of fun here, but it was time to move on and let Julie get organised for the 31 guests she has coming for Christmas lunch!

We hit the road, destination Flinders Ranges.  As we headed north we drove through the area burnt out in the recent SA bushfires.  We continued north, stopping briefly in Gladstone for lunch.  Harry Potter was substituted with the Seven Little Australians, a classic Aussie tale which came to its tragic end all too soon.

It was a long day in the car, and was well after 5pm when we finally made it to Trezona campground in the Flinders Ranges National Park.  
The many emus and kangaroos we passed on the way to the campground made us realise we were definitely back in the bush.  Oh, and no power, no shower, no toilet, no water.  A bit of a shock after the luxury we’ve enjoyed over the past week.
It’s hot and there’s loads of flies.
  But we’re here all alone. 
 Back in the outback.

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