Monday 24 August 2015

Favourite Parks Revisited

We gave the boys a choice of activities today and the consensus was to return to Movie World for the morning and then spend the afternoon at Wet N Wild.  We agreed that we would all pick one ride each, at each theme park - a total of 10 rides for the day.  Theoretically, then we wouldn't still be there at closing time.
Before we left home Bruce worked on some sneaky shoe modifications for Jarrah.

Thanks for the thongs, Debby Johnston, Jarrah will be eternally grateful!  None of us realised how handy those Carlton Mid thongs were going be!

Of course the first choice at Movie World was the Batwing Supershot.  And what do you know?  This
morning Jarrah was miraculously tall enough!
Immediately that concept of 'one ride each' was forgotten!  Jack and Jarrah rode the Batwing continuously for the next 40 minutes!  (LOVE the fact that there are no queues!)  Jarrah was absolutely thrilled, and with or without his 'new' shoes I know he felt 10 feet tall!
While Jack and Jarrah were getting their fill of thrills on the Batwing Supershot, Fletch made some new friends - Flash, the Green Lantern and Superwoman.
Then it was back to the Justice League 3D ride for Fletch, Bruce and I, to help the Superheroes kill all the baddies.
We finished off our morning at Movie World with rides for Bruce and I on the Superman Escape and Arkham Asylum coasters, then a family ride on the Wild West Falls Adventure Ride.  I've got to admit it was much more pleasant getting soaked on a beautiful sunny 26 degree day!
We knew we were succeeding at wearing the kids out when Jarrah walked straight into a pole on the way out of Movie World.  Ouch!  Or perhaps he was just taking after his Mum, who walked straight into the glass sliding door at Yvonne & Ian's place last night? 
Back at Wet N Wild in the afternoon, the weather was glorious!  We went back to our old favourites - first to the Aqua Loop for Bruce and I and the Junior Wet N Wild for Fletch.
Then on to the Kamikaze for Jack and the Tornado for Jarrah.
Lastly, a dip in the spa and a surf in the wave pool!
And what do you know?  It's closing time again!
For dinner we joined our wonderful hosts Yvonne and Cobs and their daughter Linda at Burleigh for a sausage sizzle. 
This beach side town is just beautiful, famous for the great surf beaches and point break, as well as its beach culture and laid back atmosphere.  There's also a great view up the coast to the tourist mecca of Surfers Paradise.
Linda, Yvonne, Jarrah and I took a stroll up to the headland while the other boys cooked the BBQ.  Then we all enjoyed a hot dog and a drink amidst the cacophony of rainbow lorikeets settling into the Norfolk Island pines for the evening.

The kids played on the playground until the cold and the random homeless people drove us away.

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