Friday 14 August 2015

Old Pals and Fast Cars

Yesterday morning started as each of our days in Brisbane, with blue skies and a cool crispness in the air.  And for the third morning in a row, our senses and our souls were heartily warmed by Brisbane's best barista!

After a short outing to stock up on supplies (ok, this is never a short outing with three kids) we headed back to Spring Hill for a late lunch before a short drive to Ash Grove to visit yet another old army pal, Al Armstrong.

Much ale was quaffed and many stories were told...but this scene is getting all too familiar.  Suffice to say that Al whipped up a great pasta meal, and the kids ate chips, ice cream and jelly in front of the TV.  We had some great laughs with Al and Louise and their (grown up) kids Tom and Bronte.

Things turned feral about 11pm when the Johnston kids started a game of cricket in Al's kitchen.  In respect of Louise and Bronte who had gone to bed with flu symptoms we decided to call it a night.
This morning was a bit of a late start for some...the first Johnston arose at 5.30am hugging the toilet bowl, and the last Johnston rose refreshed and rejuvenated just after 9.30am.
While Jon and Bruce replaced the suspension air bag on the Sante Fe, Janine and I took the kids to the park. 
I actually think Bruce may have deliberately sabotaged the airbag just to get a ride in Jon's Tesla.  "Swift, silent and seriously quick" is apparently somewhat of an understatement when it comes to this state of the art electric Roadster.  Unfortunately I don't have a pic of it, so head to to check 'em out!
With the Sante Fe fixed and the kids (almost) all tuckered out, it was off to the historic Breakfast Creek Hotel for a late lunch.
The Breakfast Creek Hotel is arguably the most famous watering hole in Queensland and one of the most iconic in Australia.  Built in the French Renaissance the Breakfast Creek Hotel is renowned for its premium quality steaks and Beer off the Wood.

Past guests have included Mikhail Gorbachov, Russell Crowe, Greg Norman and local legends Powderfinger.  They weren't there today but WE were, along with infamous Brisbane identifies Jon and Janine.

The beers were a bit small, but the steaks were excellent!  Then a whole bunch of First Armoured Regiment reprobates rocked up and the afternoon went down hill from there....

The boys went on to check out a few local breweries while Janine and I headed back to Spring Hill to feed the children.  The Johnston boys dug in heartily to the delicious lasagne, macaroni cheese and chocolate bread and butter pudding, knowing full well tomorrow night will be back to baked beans and rice cream in the caravan.

The big boys arrived home later and we enjoyed a light meal of salmon and corn fritters, with a lovely red.  We followed up with a farewell port and Baileys before enjoying our very last night (for a while) in a warm soft bed.

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