Wednesday 19 August 2015

Theme Park Theatrics

"Bring 'em on" say the boys!  The consensus is that Movie World will be first up.  But before we could go there, we had to make the trip from Noosa to the Gold Coast.

We couldn't leave the Hinterland without a stop at Eumundi markets.

Known locally as Australia's premier artisan market, their mantra of "we make it, bake it, grow it, sew it" meant we weren't faced with a whole lot of cheap imported junk.  In fact, the array of artworks, sculptures, furniture, handmade crafts, homewares and fresh produce was pretty incredible!  We enjoyed music played by talented local performers and picked up some super sweet strawberries and the world's largest pineapple (well, almost!)  The food choices were prolific and tempting, with laksa, calamari, thai, paella, quality coffee, chocolate, great cakes, old fashioned lemonade, and much more on offer.  We finally settled on some locally grown and marinated kalamata olives.  Jack was happy!  Jarrah found himself a cute little Buddha ornament to spend his pocket money on, so he was happy too!

I found some really unique wine glasses and some totally funky hand coloured airbrushed BBQ aprons by local artist Brian Tisdall.  I didn't make a purchase, however, partly due to time, space and financial and constraints and partly due to a distinct lack of patience from all other members of my family!!   However, I did find a buff Qld firie named Bruce.  That made ME happy!

After two hours the parking metre ran out and we made our way out of the labyrinth of market stalls.  I think that made Bruce happy!  (WA Bruce, not Qld Bruce)

So it was that by 10.30am we were making our way towards Nambour, for a final search for that elusive Big Pineapple.  As it turns out, it's not so hard to find when you take the southern exit off the Bruce Highway into Nambour. 

The Big Pineapple is a heritage-listed tourist attraction which stands 16 metres high.  It was originally opened on the 15 August 1971 and I don't think it has been refurbished since!  You can actually climb inside and explore the process of pineapple farming from start to factory.  The display is very dated but the view from the top is impressive!

We made a quick stop at Woolies in Deception Bay turn into a long stop when the car keys ended up in the shopping centre with me while Bruce was filling the car at the Caltex.  With a long line of cars waiting behind him, Bruce couldn't restart the car after filling up.  You see, these 'keyless' entry cars are no good unless you have a key with you.  So, they are not truly 'keyless'!   Nonetheless, we quickly sorted it out and made our way, uneventfully, to the Gold Coast to stay with friends Yvonne and Ian (Cobs).

It was wonderful to catch up with the effervescent Yvonne and the camera shy Cobs after having seen them only once in the last 25 years!

It wasn't long before the kids were spoilt rotten with ice creams, chips and cool drink, and Fletch had managed to worm his way into a couple of Sharkie hearts!  The adults settled in to some 'happy hour' snacks and drinks over a good chat before Yvonne dished up a fabulous spaghetti bolognese for dinner.  Needless to say, clean plates everywhere.

Yvonne and I sat up late into the evening reminiscing about old times and old pals.  To me it was just as if time had stood still, and we were sitting in her kitchen in Queensland 26 years ago when I was on my first trip around Australia.  It was almost midnight when all the bubbles and SSB got the better of us and we bid each other goodnight!

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