Thursday 28 May 2015

Travel Time

We drove to Kununurra today, which was less than 300 kms so it was lovely to arrive just after lunch and have the rest of the day to relax!  We stopped in to get fuel a Warmun Roadhouse.  Fuel was $1.99 a litre and there was a bull in the picnic area!  I was surprised by both!  I could have sworn the bull was a fibreglass one (we'd seen one similar at Roebuck Bay Roadhouse) but Jack pointed out that this one was real!  Just hanging out in the picnic area!  Well you don't see that in Keysbrook!!

When the boys started to play up, I pointed out to the boys that almost everything we do is for their enjoyment, and when is it Mum and Dad's turn to enjoy the holiday?  Jarrah responded with "Mum, you have heaps of time in the car!"  Bless his little cotton socks!

Wednesday 27 May 2015

The Bungle Bungles

After a relaxing night spent with other travellers at Three Springs campground it was off to the Bungle Bungles this morning.  It's a 53 km dirt track in, open to 4WDs only.  We crossed 7 water hazards along the way.  Bruce's rally driving along the bumpy, windy roads, however, made four of the five of us feel really ill by the time we arrived at the visitors centre.

The Bungle Bungles, however, did not disappoint!

Our first port of call was Cathedral Gorge, where Fletcher and Jarrah waded in the water and Jack perfected his rock skimming skills.

After a picnic lunch we travelled to the northern end of the park to tackle Echidna Chasm.  Despite the heat, the boys and I completed a challenging walk through the very narrow and sometimes precarious crack in the rocks!

And it was all rewarded by a bath in the river at the end of the day...(which was most welcome by me as they had become rather smelly after free camping for several days!!)

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Wolfe Creek

We debated for several days whether to go to Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater but we are SOOOO pleased that we did! 

We made an early start from Fitzroy Crossing and dropped the van off at Halls Creek at about lunch time.  Then we packed a few basic camping items in the back of the car and tackled the first 130 kms of dirt and corrugations of the Tanami Road.  Along the way we were treated to the unusual sight of a flock of emus on the road (I thought they only travelled in pairs?!)

We arrived late in the afternoon and found ourselves all alone at this spectacular meteorite crater. 

The crater, which formed 300 000 years ago when an iron meteorite crater crashed to earth, measures 850 metres across and is the second largest in the world.  We climbed and walked right down into the middle of the crater and as we climbed out were treated to yet another breathtaking sunset.

I have started to wonder whether we have sunsets like this at home and I just don't notice them, or whether the sun just doesn't set so magnificently in Perth?

It was getting dark by the time we had set up our camp site.  We were the only campers there, and probably the only people for hundreds of kilometres!  Despite my initial reservations about camping under the stars (we didn't even take a tent!!) it was the best camping we've done!  The weather was perfect - just a gentle breeze blowing, and warm enough to sleep in shorts and singlet.  Better still, there were no flies, mozzies, moths, spiders, ants or bugs of any kind. 

Oh, and no sign of Mick, either, thank goodness!  The boys gathered timber and we had our own little camp fire under the stars. 

We woke to a glorious sunrise over the crater this morning.

After a wholesome jaffle breakfast we headed back to the crater to circumnavigate the rim.  An hour later we were back at the base and headed back on the road.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Fitzroy Crossing

On Saturday morning we travelled a second, equally corrugated road from Windjana Gorge to Fitzroy Crossing.   Home schooling continues in the car with Jack now confidently spelling 'Aboriginal', Jarrah knowing how many angles in a pentagon, Fletcher knowing the name of Aunty Chrissy's dog and Bruce knowing the name of Ron Weasley's little sister!  All correctly answered questions rewarded with a lolly from the bottomless lolly jar Mum keeps in the front seat!

An unexpected water crossing for the car and caravan added a little excitement to the journey!

Our arrival at Fitzroy River Lodge was tainted somewhat by the staff directing us to chain up all of our belongings ("don't just use rope as thieves will burn through it").  However, the place is green and shady and the boys have spent many hours in the swimming pool with many new mates.

We took the Geike Gorge boat tour and it was a great way to see this particular gorge.  The tour guide was informative and funny and the colours of the rock at sunset were nothing short of spectacular.

Tomorrow we're off to Wolfe Creek.  Just in case, I bid you a fond farewell, and would like to thank you sincerely for following my blog!

Gibb River Road

On Thursday we said farewell to our Broome friends and headed to the Gibb River Road. We stopped to fuel up at Roebuck Bay Road House where Jarrah went 'head to head' with a large saltwater croc (see below).

Note:  This croc actually did bite him - there was a torrent of tears several seconds after this shot was taken!

We stopped at the famous Prison Boab Tree just outside of Derby for a break and so Fletcher had some space to complete his tantrum.

Here we learnt that long ago Aboriginal people would bury their deceased inside large termite mounds.  In a short space of  time the termites would re-seal the hole which was made to insert the body.  The boys are now under no illusion as to what fate lies in store for them if they misbehave!
Soon it was time to hit the very corrugated road into Windjana Gorge.  Well worth it, though.  The campsite was isolated, rugged and breathtaking.
Oh, and completely inundated with mozzies, but let's not let that spoil a wonderful story!
Tunnel Creek Gorge was next stop on our agenda, and once again, we were not disappointed.   We waded (and Fletcher swam) 800 metres through the tunnel, which we shared with bats, frogs and one decent sized croc (from the look of the tracks we saw).

Later in the day, we headed into Windjana Gorge for a closer look.  It was really, really hot here, but none of us could quite bring ourselves to take a dip to cool off.

 Later we all enjoyed marshmallows and music by the campfire. 
Livin' The Dream!

Slipping into Broome Time

We were all very sad to say goodbye to Broome.  It feels very natural to slip into Broome time and it would have been very easy to never leave.  Nevertheless, we decided Wednesday would be our last day.  In the morning Lisa took us to the Broome Builders offices where the boys nailed the climbing wall.

After a relaxing swim in the pool back at Lisa's house, it was off to the Mango Place for mango icecream and smoothies, before braving the Malcolm Douglas Croc Farm.

Fletcher wasn't so sure about the baby crocodiles....

...and I wasn't too keen on the bigger ones!

Jack tried talking parseltongue to the snakes...

And, well, what can I say?
I just knew the girls would love this one!
(Is that a clove of garlic?)

We had a final, scrumptious dinner with Lisa and the boys, lingering a little longer than we should have over bubbles and Baileys while the boys got to watch their first movie since we left home.

Thanks to Lisa, Kye and Jacob for your warm and welcoming hospitality!  The Sultan of Broome is simply stunning and we feel privileged to have been so warmly welcomed into your home.  It was great to share meals and stories with you each day.


Tuesday 19 May 2015

Cable Beach

We've spent the last couple of days enjoying the sights of Broome.  We've wandered around town soaking up the atmosphere and the beautiful sunshine....

We threw a line in on Streeters' Jetty,

Had fun at the Town Beach water park,  

Checked out the dinosaur footprints on low tide at Gantheume Point, 

and enjoyed a breathtaking Broome sunset.

Well, Jack not so much.  He was feeling ill and sorry for himself due to the strict "No Vomiting In The Caravan" rule.

Hence he is asleep on the driveway with his bucket!  Poor little guy had to endure an impromptu driveway jam session which sprung up around him, too!

Today the tummy bug was gone and we enjoyed some real fishing off the Port Jetty.  The Queenies were in a feeding frenzy and although we didn't catch any they were great fun to watch!  Some friendly locals felt sorry for us and gave us some of their catch so after a quick phone call to the Master (thanks Ian) and a couple of U Tube videos I had them gutted, filleted, skinned and ready for the BBQ.

This afternoon it was camel riding on the iconic Cable Beach for Jack, Jarrah and Fletcher.  The ride was reported as "bumpy" and the sunset was once again nothing short of breath taking.

Sunday 17 May 2015


Yesterday morning we said goodbye to 80 Mile Beach and headed to Broome.  On the way we stopped at Barn Hill Station and spent a lazy couple of hours watching the fish, chasing the crabs and collecting shells and rocks at a stunning and remote part of the coast.

The colours and patterns of the rock formations were just incredible...

In Broome we were given a hearty welcome by Lisa and her family!  We were spoilt with a scrumptious slow cooked chicken casserole and a bottle of red while the boys spent time with Kye and Jacob in the Lego cave. 

This morning, after a leisurely bacon and egg breakfast the kids checked out the pink lemonade icy poles at the Broome markets and the grown ups checked out the beer/cider at Matso's Brewery.

The boys enjoyed a swim in the pool this afternoon before we headed out on bikes to Diver's Bar for the Crazy Crab Races.

Alas, we didn't win a crab but had fun all the same, and helped raise some money for charity.

Friday 15 May 2015

80 Mile Beach and a caravan full of vomit!!

Yesterday we had our longest travel day yet, not arriving at 80 Mile Beach until after dark.  It's beautiful here, and we tried our luck at fishing on this famous beach early this morning!

Alas, the fish weren't biting, so it was bacon and eggs for breakfast.  Following a leisurely game of cricket, Jarrah and I thought we'd test the beach out for the thing it's second most famous for - shell collecting - and we weren't disappointed.  We came home triumphant with a shopping bag full of shells!
Fletcher fell asleep at 6pm and then decided to fill the caravan with vomit at about 8pm.  I knew I didn't bring enough linen....

Thursday 14 May 2015

Karijini National Park

Life on earth has existed for 3500 million years.  If this amount of time was expressed as an hour, then humans would have existed for less than half a second....

Karijini National Park is very remote but well worth the visit!  The gorges that have existed here in this state of raw beauty for millions of years make you feel really insignificant!

We have spent an amazing 3 days here.
We've hiked for hours in Dale's Gorge. 

We've swum under the waterfall at Fortescue Falls and enjoyed the tranquillity of Fern Pool.  We climbed down to Circular Pool and swam in the icy cold water.

Very impressed with the boys - particularly Fletcher - for tackling Class 4 trails.
Well done, team!

Jack & Jarrah were awarded Karijini Junior Ranger status for successfully completing their workbooks and even Fletcher was awarded a badge as an honorary Ranger.

Jack & Jarrah both continued their 'open air' music practice and Jack even learnt a new musical instrument (thanks to our camping neighbour, Charlotte).

Sunday 10 May 2015

Love Dampier

Yesterday morning we met the Fioris at the local park and enjoyed donuts and coffee together while the kids played on the playground.

It was great to see Shelley, Paul and the family and Jarrah sure will miss Xavia.  We look forward to seeing you all back at North Dandalup sometime in the future!
Yesterday afternoon we headed out with Ken to once again wander over the local rocks learning all about Aboriginal rock art and culture.
Here you can see Fletch standing next to an ancient Aboriginal drawing of a stingray.  Ken has a wealth of knowledge of the art work on the Burrup specifically, and Aboriginal heritage in general.  What he doesn't know is simply not worth knowing!
This morning we were up early for the Karratha Mother's Day Classic.  We took it easy and opted for the 4km family walk.  Well, four of us walked, and Fletcher grabbed a ride...

After an eternity on the bouncy castle, and a number of injuries, we headed back to Ken's for a fabulous BBQ lunch and afternoon at home.  This involved bike riding and school work for the boys and a massage for me! (Thanks Bruce!!!) 
This was followed by the MOST SCRUMPTIOUS roast dinner EVER!  Thanks Ken - you are truly a man of many talents!
PS.  Yes, Jarrah DOES have something shoved up his nose in this photo!  It is some toilet paper - trying to stem the bleeding of his THIRD blood nose today!!  Argghhh

Friday 8 May 2015

Millstream & Python Pool

This morning we headed to Millstream Chichester National Park, despite the local warning that the road was closed ("they don't mean us, surely?")  So.....with Jarrah, Fletch and me walking the crossing, and Jack packing his daks in the car with Bruce, the Sante cruised through the crossing without missing a beat!  Phew.  Had we got stuck, we'd still be there now...of course we left totally unprepared, there's no mobile coverage, deserted track, yup, there would have been no blogging for a few days!

Millstream itself looked just like the Yarra as the recent cyclone had murked the place up completely.  It was still fun, however, and even the resident olive python couldn't keep us out of the water!  The mozzies, however, chased us away eventually,

From Millstream we headed to Python Pool, and Fletcher was very impressed with the "hulcano" that we saw on the way.  Python Pool in the late afternoon sun was sensational for swimming, chillin', skimming rocks, feeding the (chocolate eating) fish and eating (what was left of) our afternoon tea.  The colours on the rock face and the reflections in the water were breathtaking.

We dodged a few cattle on the way home and ended a full day with a great BBQ with friends in Karratha.  To Chris, Jazz, Rory and Abby - thanks so much for your wonderful Pilbara hospitality!  The boys (big and small) loved the soccer and the mango cheesecake was divine!