Sunday 24 May 2015

Gibb River Road

On Thursday we said farewell to our Broome friends and headed to the Gibb River Road. We stopped to fuel up at Roebuck Bay Road House where Jarrah went 'head to head' with a large saltwater croc (see below).

Note:  This croc actually did bite him - there was a torrent of tears several seconds after this shot was taken!

We stopped at the famous Prison Boab Tree just outside of Derby for a break and so Fletcher had some space to complete his tantrum.

Here we learnt that long ago Aboriginal people would bury their deceased inside large termite mounds.  In a short space of  time the termites would re-seal the hole which was made to insert the body.  The boys are now under no illusion as to what fate lies in store for them if they misbehave!
Soon it was time to hit the very corrugated road into Windjana Gorge.  Well worth it, though.  The campsite was isolated, rugged and breathtaking.
Oh, and completely inundated with mozzies, but let's not let that spoil a wonderful story!
Tunnel Creek Gorge was next stop on our agenda, and once again, we were not disappointed.   We waded (and Fletcher swam) 800 metres through the tunnel, which we shared with bats, frogs and one decent sized croc (from the look of the tracks we saw).

Later in the day, we headed into Windjana Gorge for a closer look.  It was really, really hot here, but none of us could quite bring ourselves to take a dip to cool off.

 Later we all enjoyed marshmallows and music by the campfire. 
Livin' The Dream!


  1. Living the dream alright! Very envious xxx

  2. So glad you didn't go in that water! I would have been having a fit! Had heard it was beautiful there. Another one for my bucket list. Be careful! X
