Tuesday 26 May 2015

Wolfe Creek

We debated for several days whether to go to Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater but we are SOOOO pleased that we did! 

We made an early start from Fitzroy Crossing and dropped the van off at Halls Creek at about lunch time.  Then we packed a few basic camping items in the back of the car and tackled the first 130 kms of dirt and corrugations of the Tanami Road.  Along the way we were treated to the unusual sight of a flock of emus on the road (I thought they only travelled in pairs?!)

We arrived late in the afternoon and found ourselves all alone at this spectacular meteorite crater. 

The crater, which formed 300 000 years ago when an iron meteorite crater crashed to earth, measures 850 metres across and is the second largest in the world.  We climbed and walked right down into the middle of the crater and as we climbed out were treated to yet another breathtaking sunset.

I have started to wonder whether we have sunsets like this at home and I just don't notice them, or whether the sun just doesn't set so magnificently in Perth?

It was getting dark by the time we had set up our camp site.  We were the only campers there, and probably the only people for hundreds of kilometres!  Despite my initial reservations about camping under the stars (we didn't even take a tent!!) it was the best camping we've done!  The weather was perfect - just a gentle breeze blowing, and warm enough to sleep in shorts and singlet.  Better still, there were no flies, mozzies, moths, spiders, ants or bugs of any kind. 

Oh, and no sign of Mick, either, thank goodness!  The boys gathered timber and we had our own little camp fire under the stars. 

We woke to a glorious sunrise over the crater this morning.

After a wholesome jaffle breakfast we headed back to the crater to circumnavigate the rim.  An hour later we were back at the base and headed back on the road.


  1. Looks amazing! (Still not going)

  2. That looks awesome. What a wonderful experience taking them to sleep under the stars all the way out there. I'm pretty sure our rugged north is known for it's beautiful sunsets, I don't think we get them just the same here. Or maybe we are just too busy getting dinner ready and watching Family Feud? LOL BF xxx
