Monday 4 May 2015

Here We Go!

We left on Saturday morning as planned, albeit a little later than expected.  That might have had something to do with the 5 goodbye stops we made...Thanks so much to all of our neighbours and friends for an UNFORGETTABLE send off!

We dropped in to see our great friend, Ian, at Lancelin, and managed to steer clear of the pub (only just) so that we could continue our journey north!

We made it to Cliff Head North (about 30 kms south of Dongara) where we were welcomed by the locals to enjoy 'happy hour' and a great sunset just 50 metres from the beach.

All in all a pretty successful first day.  We didn't hear any "are we there yet?" but Fletcher did maintain a chant of "Can we go home now?" for what seemed like several hours....

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