Friday 8 May 2015

Millstream & Python Pool

This morning we headed to Millstream Chichester National Park, despite the local warning that the road was closed ("they don't mean us, surely?")  So.....with Jarrah, Fletch and me walking the crossing, and Jack packing his daks in the car with Bruce, the Sante cruised through the crossing without missing a beat!  Phew.  Had we got stuck, we'd still be there now...of course we left totally unprepared, there's no mobile coverage, deserted track, yup, there would have been no blogging for a few days!

Millstream itself looked just like the Yarra as the recent cyclone had murked the place up completely.  It was still fun, however, and even the resident olive python couldn't keep us out of the water!  The mozzies, however, chased us away eventually,

From Millstream we headed to Python Pool, and Fletcher was very impressed with the "hulcano" that we saw on the way.  Python Pool in the late afternoon sun was sensational for swimming, chillin', skimming rocks, feeding the (chocolate eating) fish and eating (what was left of) our afternoon tea.  The colours on the rock face and the reflections in the water were breathtaking.

We dodged a few cattle on the way home and ended a full day with a great BBQ with friends in Karratha.  To Chris, Jazz, Rory and Abby - thanks so much for your wonderful Pilbara hospitality!  The boys (big and small) loved the soccer and the mango cheesecake was divine!

1 comment:

  1. "PYTHON POOL". No way I'd be getting in there. You are all very brave! I love the photo of Jarrah in the red water. Kisses to you all 😘😘
