Sunday 24 May 2015

Slipping into Broome Time

We were all very sad to say goodbye to Broome.  It feels very natural to slip into Broome time and it would have been very easy to never leave.  Nevertheless, we decided Wednesday would be our last day.  In the morning Lisa took us to the Broome Builders offices where the boys nailed the climbing wall.

After a relaxing swim in the pool back at Lisa's house, it was off to the Mango Place for mango icecream and smoothies, before braving the Malcolm Douglas Croc Farm.

Fletcher wasn't so sure about the baby crocodiles....

...and I wasn't too keen on the bigger ones!

Jack tried talking parseltongue to the snakes...

And, well, what can I say?
I just knew the girls would love this one!
(Is that a clove of garlic?)

We had a final, scrumptious dinner with Lisa and the boys, lingering a little longer than we should have over bubbles and Baileys while the boys got to watch their first movie since we left home.

Thanks to Lisa, Kye and Jacob for your warm and welcoming hospitality!  The Sultan of Broome is simply stunning and we feel privileged to have been so warmly welcomed into your home.  It was great to share meals and stories with you each day.



  1. Hahaha garlic!!!! Too funny, looks amazing, tell Fletcher we think he is very brave xxx
    Alyson xxx
