Sunday 17 May 2015


Yesterday morning we said goodbye to 80 Mile Beach and headed to Broome.  On the way we stopped at Barn Hill Station and spent a lazy couple of hours watching the fish, chasing the crabs and collecting shells and rocks at a stunning and remote part of the coast.

The colours and patterns of the rock formations were just incredible...

In Broome we were given a hearty welcome by Lisa and her family!  We were spoilt with a scrumptious slow cooked chicken casserole and a bottle of red while the boys spent time with Kye and Jacob in the Lego cave. 

This morning, after a leisurely bacon and egg breakfast the kids checked out the pink lemonade icy poles at the Broome markets and the grown ups checked out the beer/cider at Matso's Brewery.

The boys enjoyed a swim in the pool this afternoon before we headed out on bikes to Diver's Bar for the Crazy Crab Races.

Alas, we didn't win a crab but had fun all the same, and helped raise some money for charity.


  1. Looks like your having fun. Can't wait to see you again. Hope you have an awesome time. Thanks for the letters. We miss you so much.�������� I love you. Have a great time.
    From Caitlin xoxo

  2. Hi Caitlin! We miss you too! You're going to LOVE Broome! Although I am afraid you're going to be outnumbered by boys again! Hope you have a great holiday! xxx
