Thursday 1 October 2015

Deep Space and Beyond

After a late start we hit the road for another day on the tourist route, once again armed with a family picnic.  Our first stop today was Canberra's Deep Space Communication Centre.  This complex is a ground station which is part of the Deep Space Network run by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

Also known a the Tidbinbilla Tracking Station, it was opened in 1965 and is the only NASA tracking station in Australia still in operation. During the Apollo program, Tidbinbilla was used for tracking the Apollo Lunar Module.  

We all thought the big antennas were pretty cool (this is the largest antenna complex in the southern hemisphere) and Jack was particularly fascinated with the 3.8 billion year old piece of Moon that was on display.  We all loved the Astronaut suits and the Astronaut icecream.  Yum!

After checking out spacecraft models, flown space hardware and the latest images from across the Solar System, it was time to check out the playground.

We found a lovely spot by a stream to enjoy our picnic lunch before heading back into town for a drive through Duntroon Military College and a short trip down memory lane for Bruce.  It's hard to believe 30 years have passed since he was a student here.
Our final stop of the day was at Floriade - Australia’s biggest celebration of spring. This iconic Canberra event, which is now in its 27th year, showcases one million flowers in bloom throughout Canberra’s Commonwealth Park.
 The tulips were beautiful but it wasn't just about flowers.
There was some other really cool stuff to do too.
 Our favourites included Gnome Knoll, where Fletcher almost got mistaken for a gnome,

The Circus Playground where we all tried the tight rope, the diablo and these weird little trucks,
And Reptiles Inc. where we got to see and pat all kinds of reptilian and amphibious creatures.
NEWSFLASH - while tiptoeing through the tulips the message arrived that we had secured two tickets to the WCE vs Hawthorn Grand Final.  Yippee and thanks Jacqui! 
We enjoyed a lovely quiet meal with Natalie and Tony and for the first night in the past three, Fletcher didn't fall asleep before dinner, allowing us to finally complete his 4th birthday celebrations!  Thanks, Nat, for the amazing and HUGE chocolate mud cake!
 Happy Birthday Fletcher!

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