Sunday 11 October 2015

West to Wodonga

It was tough to leave Gerry and John and our own beautiful little bungalow this morning.  Partly because nobody but me would get out of bed...

...and partly because I was sad to be saying goodbye once again.  Some people walk into your life and have an instant and lasting impact and Gerry is certainly one of these people.  She is bubbly, open, sincere and has a wicked sense of humour.  Hence I know she won't mind me posting a photo of her in her jim-jams first thing this morning!

Thanks Gerry and John for your friendship and the fun memories we'll take with us from Towong!
It didn't take long at all to get to Wodonga.  By the time we'd completed times tables and spelling lists, and Rufus Scrimgeour was appointed to replace the disgraced Cornelius Fudge as the Minister for Magic of Britain, we were pulling into the Wodonga Showgrounds.
We set up quickly as it had started to drizzle.  After a quick change of clothes we were off to spend the afternoon with a group of Bruce's mates from Army Apprentice School.  Apparently there was some kind of car race on too.
Quite apart from Bathurst, a great afternoon was spent by all.  We enjoyed a great BBQ lunch by the pool, and some old friends spent some time reflecting and reminiscing about days gone by.
Fletch got bored and asked Nicko if he had any toys.  Nicko sent Fletch out to the garage to look for the toys and look where I found him!
He'd found the toys alright, but I don't think Fletcher and Nicko were talking about the same type of toys!
The rest of the afternoon and evening past by in a heartbeat and before we knew it, it was time to get the kids out of the pool and hit the road once more. 
After all, for most people it's a school/work night.

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