Friday 23 October 2015

Family - Love Beyond Words

We'd found such a lovely bush camp here at Anglers Rest and we couldn't bear to leave it.  So we didn't.  We spent a large part of the day sitting around the campfire reading, chatting, eating, drinking and playing Uno.  The sun was shining and it was completely and utterly relaxing!

Later in the afternoon, however, we decided to go exploring.  Armed with an information sheet from the lady who runs the local Blue Duck Hotel, we headed off to find the Cobungra River lookout.  After an hour's rugged bush trek, the reward was impressive.
Impressive, but also terrifying.  With a sheer 100 ft drop immediately behind the Shooting Star and his two best mates, we didn't hang around on this rocky outcrop for long!
Soon enough we were back on the river bank enjoying the spring wildflowers.
The two hour walk did prove a little too much for the littlest legs.
The day finished in the same relaxing way as it started.  We enjoyed a campfire, some music, a hearty meal and some memorable family time.
Authors Note:

Today’s blog is written in memory of my Mum, Yvonne, who would have celebrated her 75th birthday today.  Mum I still miss you each and every day.  The sun has never shone quite as bright since you’ve been gone.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years, but time, and life, just marches on.  It’s hard to believe that you never got to see the transformation of our home in Keysbrook, and it breaks my heart that you never got to meet my beautiful boys.  They’re so big now and I think you would have been proud of the way they’re growing up.  In each of them, every day, I see you.  Jarrah, in particular, has your big heart and your generous nature.   He sees the good in everyone, just like you did.
You would have loved this marvellous adventure we’ve embarked on, and I know you would have been on that houseboat, making sure I didn’t drink the WHOLE bottle of champagne on my own!   

Each day I silently thank you for the Mother you were to me, and marvel at your patience and your tenacity in raising us alone.
Each night I go to bed determined that the next day I will be a little bit more like you as a Mum.

I miss you Mum.  My best friend forever.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely heartfelt words Andrea, we all have fond memories of your mum
