Friday 30 October 2015

Happy Meals and Happy Days

Although it was sad to say goodbye to our wombat friends, it was time to head off on our next adventure - to see the fairy penguins at Phillip Island.  After a short stop in Wonthaggi for supplies we arrived at our next over night stop.  Amidst the crazy woops of delight from the kids, we pulled in to an overnight MacDonalds truck stop on the Bass Highway!

After setting up and securing the caravan, we were off to Phillip Island, just a short 15 minute drive away.  First we soaked up the seaside holiday vibe in the lovely little Cowes Bay.  We enjoyed afternoon tea bayside, and Fletch traded places with the wildlife.

 Fletcher in the tree
Bird on the table

We wandered out onto the jetty...
...where Fletcher got a random hug from Angelina!

We have no idea who Angelina was, but the contingent of Japanese tourists milling about on the jetty were practically pushing each other out of the way in order to get photos!  Weird.
After a wander up and down the main street, and the purchase of yet more souvenirs to add to the collection we took a drive to The Nobbies, a magnificent headland on the south-western tip of Phillip Island.

It really was breathtaking, but our stroll along the boardwalk, absorbing coastal views and spotting for the iconic little fairy penguins and playful fur seals, almost ended up in a sprint due to the EXTREME FREEZINGNESS!!  The boys didn't even want to get out of the car!
 I was ok, though.

Even the penguins were cold!
In the end we decided not to see the Fairy Penguin Parade.  By this stage it was 6.30pm and we had another two hours to wait for the little penguins to start making their way up the beach and into the dunes.  As Jarrah wrote in his diary "We didn't see the Penguin Parade because it was too late, too cold, cost too much money and it scared the penguins too much!"

Sadly, it seems that it's true.  Many of the reviews I read suggested that thousands of people are packed in each night to witness what has become solely a commercial enterprise.  The little penguins are frightened and disoriented by the noise and flashing of cameras (which is not permitted but continues to occur).  Unfortunately this naturally occurring ritual of the penguins returning home after sunset each night has been turned into a penguin circus!

So, with some seriously sad faces in the back seat, we headed home.  Sad faces were soon to turn to happy faces, though, with the realisation that staying in the Maccas car park meant Happy Meals for dinner.  Happy Faces all around!

Note the golden arches shining through the window of the caravan!

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