Wednesday 7 October 2015

Snowy Mountain High

 Wow. Check this out.
No, it's not Antarctica but rather downtown Charlotte Pass in the NSW Snowy Mountains.
Officially, the ski season and the NSW school holidays finished on Monday and as such, there was virtually no-one around.  We had the place to ourselves!  There was plenty of snow left, enough to do a bit of snow-boarding and certainly enough to smash the bejesus out of each other with an endless supply of snowballs!
Me, loading up.
 Jack, on top of the world and about to cop one in the face.
 Jarrah, with the worlds biggest snowball and an evil look to match. Look Out!!
 Fletch looking a touch pensive but getting ready for the onslaught,
with his protective equipment at the ready.
Fletch had a great day but it didn't start out that way.  This morning we repeatedly heard "don't want to go to the snow!" and we had to drag him from the Lego set into the car.  Once he stepped onto the snow he broke into tears and didn't like it one bit!  Fortunately for us, we had a good selection of cold weather clothing to wear and were helped out by Mark, our host, with some excellent equipment to keep us dry and warm.  Unfortunately for Fletch, none of it fit him and so he had to make do with a pair of tracky dacks and plastic gumboots.  This certainly did not cut the mustard and in what seemed to be a micro-second, his toes were frozen solid, and he let us know it.
 Not. Happy. Jan.
So, once we had him back to the car to thaw out and into a new set of trousers, socks and shoes it was time to start building snowmen, of course!
 First it was Andrea's Outback Crapstacular High Country Bumpkin complete with brew mug.
 Then the loveable "Snowy", made by Jarrah.
Then the freakish looking Freddy Kruger "Come Out and Play" we found in the middle of nowhere....
It was an awesome amount of fun and just when we thought we couldn't throw another snowball, Jack launched into an all-out assault with an arsenal of balls he had stockpiled for an ambush.  But, like a team of Jedi Knights fighting a lone Stormtrooper, he was easily overcome through sheer firepower and force of numbers.

We eventually wandered back to the car and took one last look at the Village before heading back down the mountain to our gorgeous little villa, (well, Mark's gorgeous little villa) so the boys could get their diaries done for the day and for Andrea and I to hook in to some nice cold beverages!

 The Men From Snowy River, asleep outside the pub.

The view from our digs.
Could someone please cut down the gumtrees blocking our view!

 The Men From Snowy River, looking a touch sunburnt, pretending to do homework.
Unbelievably, we finished off the day with a terrific Roast Lamb dinner!  After all this Nordic frivolity, Andrea was still able to work wonders in the kitchen so that we could relax over cheese, bikkies and oysters followed by a magnificent roast dinner, complete with roast veggies and then follow this up with a mixed fruit slice for dessert.  Oh, and a bottle of red.  Fat tummies all-round!
 Hired Help. 
The boys couldn't resist helping make the fruit slice.  One, because they have no off-button when it comes to the intake of food and two, because it delays bed-time, a common tactic they employ almost nightly.
Not long after this, however, we literally fell out of the villa and rolled back into the care-van (as Fletch calls it) for the nightly teeth clean and beddie-byes.  An awesome day all-round.  Tomorrow, the saga continues with a trip to Thredbo for a few hours tobogganing and a climb up to the top of Mt Kosciusko, Australia's highest mountain. A walk in the park, literally.

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