Friday 2 October 2015

Road Trip

It was a 6am start this morning and it was with great excitement that we all piled into the car for our road trip to Melbourne for the footy Grand Final.

We ate breakfast in the car and after an hour of school work we all settled in to listen to several hours of  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  With a couple of quick pit stops to stretch our legs and the obligatory stop at Gundagai to pat the dog, we made good time.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we've covered over 20 000 kms in the car in the past five months, but the seven hours it took to get to Melbourne seemed to pass by quite quickly. 
We arrived at Darryl's place in South Melbourne not long after 2pm.  We were given a warm welcome into his home and he quickly produced some refreshments for the hungry Johnston boys.
While Darryl went to pick up Jacqui from the airport we took a stroll around one of Melbourne's oldest suburbs.  The kids wrestled on the sidewalk while Bruce and I marvelled at the beautifully preserved terraced and semi-detached Victorian homes. 
The weather was balmy and it was great to get some fresh air and exercise after the long drive.  It's a public holiday here in Victoria so the Port Melbourne beach was packed with locals and visitors making the most of it - swimming, fishing, sun tanning and dog walking.
By the time we got back Jacqui and Amanda had settled in and it wasn't long before we were all getting into the Grand Final spirit.  Well, not all of us - Fletch was once again asleep on the couch!
Later we headed out to grab some dinner from a local Melbourne pub.  The food was great, and we celebrated being in Melbourne together with a couple of bottles of bubbles while the kids dominated the pool table.  
Then on the way home, things started to get a little crazy....

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