Friday 18 September 2015

A Day in The Bays

After a great little sleep in this morning, I headed downstairs to find Jack, Jarrah and Fletch having Magic Three Layered Custard Cake for breakfast with Annie!

Today was our scheduled day to leave Phegans Bay and move on to our next adventure.  However, with the boys all begging to stay with Annie just one more night, Bruce like a bear with a sore head (perhaps he had a bad prawn?) and me in love with The Bays, well it was just too hard to say goodbye.

So, instead we spent a lazy morning engaged in homework, reading, eating and in Bruce's case sleeping.  Later in the day we took Oscar (Chewbacca) and Gus (Darth Vader) out for a walk through Phegans and Woy Woy Bays.
We found a cubby house, a tree swing and a playground to entertain the boys.

If you look really close, you can see Jarrah and Fletch inside the cubby!
At the end of a good, solid two hour walk, we were all ready to head home for a late, late lunch.  Probably more custard cake.  Fletcher, having been exposed to consecutive episodes of Star Wars over the past few nights, has renamed himself Luke the Skywalker.

Here he is with Jarrah, his new best friend "NAnnie" and the two Ewoks!

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