Friday 4 September 2015

Corindi Park

We farewelled Maclean yesterday morning and headed south once more.  We stopped briefly in Grafton for gas, fuel, a shovel and 18 donuts before arriving at the beautiful Corindi Park just after midday.

Corindi Park is a private property at Corindi Beach.  The setting is stunning - we set up on a lovely grassy paddock overlooking a billabong full of water birds, with kangaroos lazing around us in the sun and kookaburras laughing overhead.

We were warmly welcomed by property owners Cheryl and John, and the boys soon discovered the great double tree swing!

Jarrah and I went for a walk to the beach, enjoying a bit of excitement when we took a wrong turn and got chased by a wild stallion!  By the time we returned, Jack and Fletch had befriended the kids who own the swing!  A game of soccer was followed by a cricket game that continued late into the afternoon.

We were joined by 'the two Jans' - a couple of lovely ladies travelling solo in their Winnebagos whom we had met at Maclean - for afternoon snacks on the verandah.  The wind died down in perfect time for us to light a campfire and enjoy some marshmallows before bed.

There are many beachside hamlets and rugged headlands along this beautiful stretch of coastline, but unsurprisingly, the boys weren't interested in leaving Corindi Park for sightseeing today.  Once we'd established, however, that Anika and Nikki would be tied up with their school work until midday, we managed to get the boys in the car and out the gate.  We tried to find a secret waterfall in the Sherwood Forest, but it was too secret.  We did see a wild deer, however, and we passed a couple of hours having fun rock hopping in a creek bed.

We stopped in at Woolgoolga, a peaceful coastal town wherein the 1940s the first Indian migrants settled to work the nearby banana plantations.  It was here that the first Sikh temple in Australia was built and Woolgoolga has now become a centre for Indian culture.

We got blown away at the Woolgoolga lookout,
So instead headed to the playground where we enjoyed some coffee and hot chips!

Back at home, once school work was complete there was soccer, jenga and bocce to be played, Harry Potter to be read and icypoles to be eaten.

While Bruce strummed his guitar I dug deep and gave my joggers the first workout they've had in weeks.  No wild horses this time but I was spellbound for a while by a small herd of belted galloways!

Eventually I dragged myself away, and soon arrived back at Corindi Park to find everyone pretty chilled!
At the end of the day, by the light of the campfire, we toasted the remarkable lives of two great nature lovers, as today marks the anniversary of their passing.
Steve Irwin (2006)
Loki (2012)

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