Thursday 17 September 2015

Hatters Tea House

This morning we farewelled Annie off on her way to catch the train to Sydney Uni for the day before heading out to an indulgent morning tea at the Hatters Tea House at Ettalong Beach.

Boasting beautiful beverages and tantalising treats, Hatters is a funky little retro tea house complete with vintage furniture and a great Alice in Wonderland theme.  Oh, and Annie is the General Manager. 
Jack and Jarrah devoured an ENORMOUS piece of cake each.  Jack chose the decadent chocolate fudge and Jarrah picked the red velvet layer cake.  I went for the more prudent mango and passionfruit meringue topped cupcake which was delightful.  Surprisingly, Bruce and Fletch went for drinks only.  Yeah, I think they were sick.

From here we headed north again to take the kids to the Tree Top Adventure Park at Ourimbah.  Unfortunately, by the time we got there the thunder and lightning had set in and the activities were cancelled for the day.  Sad faces all around.

As we had time on our hands, we took the short drive to Toukley and Norah Head where I spent some time as a twenty-something year old.  The place has grown up a bit since I was there, but the Toukley RSL still stands, and it brought back some fond memories of old Uncle Hughie.

At Norah Head the weather was pretty dark and threatening but we braved the cold wind and walked out to the lighthouse. 

We took a drive down memory lane - Bungary Road where, if my memory serves me correct, I had my first ever Christmas away from home at old Aunty Jess's place.  1989.

As it happened, we were driving right past Lollies N Stuff once again, so Jack couldn't help himself.  He darted in for a packet of dried BBQ worms.  Yuk!!

We all know that when you drive around Australia, it's going to mean a lot of driving, but some days we all get fed up with being in the car.  This was one of those days.  So we headed south again towards our beautiful little home away from home at Phegans Bay.

A couple of stops on the way.  The first was so the boys could feel the hail that had just been dumped in a downpour just out of the little village of Long Jetty.

The second stop was at the Little Creek Cheese Factory in Wyong.  OMG.  It's a great little shop where you can try all the products and watch the cheese making process through the viewing window.  The guy behind the counter was very knowledgeable and all the cheeses were great but we settled on the garlic and dill goats fetta.  Again, OMG!!!

No idea what this Minion has to do with cheese, but he's pretty cute!

By mid afternoon we were back with Annie, Gus and Oscar in Phegans Bay, with the fire burning and the next episode of Star Wars on the big screen.  We bade farewell to Bruce who went off to Gosford for a boys' night with his old army mate Hamish.

With the kids glued to the galactic battles on TV, this left Annie and I to have a girls' night of our own.  While reminiscing over old times and old friends, we whipped up a tantalising platter of corn fritters, smoked salmon, avocado, cucumber, kalamata olives and fresh chives.  Topped with the Little Creek goat's fetta and a touch of lemon our taste buds had a party!

Oh, and I may not have mentioned that this girls' night involved the creation of the Magic Three Layered Custard Cake.  We were not disappointed.  A delightful dessert to finish off a delightful evening.

With Bruce away for the evening I had no chance of having the bed to myself.

It looked good for a while...
...but it didn't last!

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