Tuesday 29 September 2015

Happy 4th Birthday Fletcher!

There was much excitement in our small home this morning when Fletcher awoke to find the table laden with cards and gifts to kick off  his 4th birthday celebration.

Of course we couldn't start the gift opening ceremony until Mr Sleepy (Jarrah) woke up, so in the mean time the rest of us wandered into the house to wash up.  We found Tony in the kitchen busily whipping up a bunch of scrumptious birthday pancakes so there was a hurried re-jigging of the present ceremony from the van to the house.

Fletch was pleased with his haul of presents, which consisted almost entirely of lollies and guns.  EXACTLY what he had asked for!   There was the odd practical present thrown in too, but it was definitely the guns and lollies that won his heart.

I tried unsuccessfully to secure some last minute AFL Grand Final tickets but alas, it seems the road trip is off.  Maybe next time.

After some telephone birthday wishes from home we headed out to Black Mountain, to Canberra's iconic telecommunications tower.  Rising 195.2 meters above the summit of Black Mountain, it offers 360 degree panoramic views of Canberra and its surrounding countryside.  The indoor observation deck was cool, but the outdoor viewing platform was positively arctic.  We lasted about two minutes out there!

Back at ground level, the weather was actually quite nice, so Bruce decided to take us all out for lunch at a great pub he'd been to in Canberra years ago.  Well either his memory isn't as good as it once was, or the place has since been demolished because we drove a long way with no such pub appearing.
 We did find a playground, however.
Eventually Fletcher declared that as it was his birthday he should decide on the lunch venue and he picked Maccas.  Now you'd think it wouldn't be too hard to find a Maccas pretty much anywhere on the planet, but let me tell you it was no easy feat in Canberra.  Eventually, Fletch got so hungry that he decided Hungry Jacks would have to do.

No it wasn't a happy meal but it sure did seem to make him happy!

Our final stop of the day, at Fletcher's request, was the National Arboretum.  What is a arboretum?  I'm glad you asked.  An arboretum is a botanical garden devoted to growing trees for conservation, scientific research and educational purposes.

It also happens to have the best playground in Canberra.  It's called a Pod Playground and it's a unique adventure playground featuring giant acorn cubbies on stilts, nest swings and banksia pods, with a great spiral slippery slide, all surrounded by spectacular views.

Fletch stuck halfway between two acorns

With much energy spent, we settled on a drive past the Houses of Parliament before heading home for more celebrations.  It was all too much for the birthday boy, who almost missed his own party!

Luckily, he woke up just in time to devour the feast laid out before him.  Lucky also that he has two big brothers to help devour the insane amount of junk food that comes with turning four!

With not a vegetable to be seen Fletcher declared it the best birthday ever!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Fletcher, the joy of being 4 and to be on such an adventure! Veggies are overrated on birthdays!
