Monday 28 September 2015

Medieval Memories

Hear Ye   Hear Ye   Hear Ye!

Let it be known that on this very day in the year of the Lord two thousand and fourteen occurred the joining of Bruce of the Buckworth and the fine Lady Andrea.  As we journey through this most splendid of unions may the feasting and merriment of marital bliss continue always!
It's so hard to believe that a year has gone by so quickly.  It was such a wonderful day and we had so much fun!  The memories of having all our friends and families together in medieval theme to celebrate our marriage will be with us forever.
Today we also celebrate our 150th day on the road!  We farewelled Andy, his mother Judy and Harry last night with a musical ensemble consisting of Jack on the piano, Fletcher on the harmonica, Jarrah on the guitar, Andrea on the African djembe drums and myself on the didgeridoo. 
 Judy did not know what had hit her! 
Andy had a crack. 
At the didgeridoo, that is.
It was quite late in the night and the noise was incredible but we (the grown-ups) had all consumed a little too much wine, beer, bourbon and good food to care a whole lot. 
Exhibit A.
It was great fun.  But, when the morning sun bore holes through our bloodshot eyes it was time to pack the van and head on down the highway to Canberra.  But not before Andrea dragged herself around a ten kilometre run, which proved to be a little more than she could handle given the rave party the night before....
Constable Care was on hand to breath-test her.
I, however, took the much more self-paced approach to the morning and slept in.  
Soon enough though we were on our way and cruising down the Hume Highway to Canberra, home to the centre of political power in Australia and the ever-revolving door of Prime Ministers.
 Australia's next Prime Minister (potentially)
Just to prove that last night was no fluke, we pulled in to Natalie and Tony's lovely home in suburban Evatt so that we could start drinking again.  Well not specifically for that purpose but it did result in a few more going down range at the rapid-fire rate.

Natalie is a school friend of Andrea's who moved to the ACT to join the Australian Federal Police and in the process found her one and only true love, Tony.  Together they make a great team and in addition to them both holding down jobs involving high stress and long hours, they've managed to complete a stunning home renovation while not freezing to death during those long cold Canberra winters!
We enjoyed a lovely meal together, and for once an early night.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing the Lord and Lady of Buckworth a happy 1st Anniversary, such fond memories of a magical occasion.
    "Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing higher, nothing stronger, nothing longer, nothing more joyful, nothing fuller and nothing better in heaven or on earth." - Thomas A Kempis - Medieval Monk
