Saturday 12 September 2015

The Great Lakes

Well done West Coast Eagles, not that there is an Eagles fan to be seen in this family.  But we did watch the game and it was an impressive win.  So too the Dockers but perhaps to a lesser extent.  Same result though.  It means, however, that we don't have to do a dash down to Melbourne next weekend to watch the semi-final, which we had seriously considered if either team had lost this weekend. Better still, we can head down there in a few weeks to watch both teams in the GF! 

We are now in 'Fighter Town' , Newcastle.  Well. not quite Fighter Town but close to it.  Williamtown is home to one of the RAAF FA18 fighter squadrons and the flight training school that 'converts' pilots from other lead-in jets to operate the FA 18.  We are just south of the base and have heard many aircraft manoeuvring overhead in the last few days - lucky they are on our side.  I have been thinking of what the boys 'callsign' would be if they became fighter pilots.  Jack's would be Hamburger,  Jarrah's would be Snag (Sensitive New Age Guy) and Fletcher's would be 'Cutie Pie'.  Now that would be enough to strike the fear of god into any adversary wouldn't it!

Yesterday we had a quiet day lazing around at our campsite at Lake Myall.  It was quite damp underfoot and cold inside the van so we ran the generator to power up our newly acquired fan heater, which worked a dream.  Heaven.  The boys got their homework out of the way in comfort.

Andrea taking it all in at Seal Rocks.
In the afternoon we took a drive to Seal Rocks and Sugarloaf Point where we climbed up to yet another (yes, you guessed it) lighthouse.  It was very picturesque and we spent a very nice half-hour laying in the sun while Jack and Jarrah belted the bejesus out of each other on the lawn, again.  They really do go in hard and whilst I cringe at their wrestling, I know it is not abnormal and that it is actually building strength and resilience in them.  At least that is what I have convinced myself of.  Nonetheless, it is not really a good look in front of a bunch of tourist 'randoms' when they get it on. 

 Hamburger and Snag on top of Cutie Pie.
So the history, significance, architecture, engineering, function and ambiance of a beautiful lighthouse on such a beautiful coastline is simply lost on our guys, but not on Andrea and I.  There is something romantic about them and we can't help but imagine what it would have been like as lighthouse keepers and their families, living in such a beautiful but remote place with only shipping as their resupply lifeline.  But lighthouses have long been electrified and automated, thus making lighthouse keepers redundant.  At Sugarloaf Point the old accommodation buildings are now available as holiday rentals, at $4900 per week!!!!  Yeah right.

Sugarloaf Point Lighthouse & Lighthouse Keepers Accommodation.

A local mongrel (Dingo) on the beach.

A not-so-local mongrel on a rock.

Anyway, we wandered back to our campsite. rigged for night running, and put the telly on for the footy.  The family favourite, Burritos, was devoured as we settled in to see the game, heater on the "Fry Everything Within 10 Metres" setting. 

Today we cruised on down to Newcastle at a leisurely pace and set ourselves up at the Stockton Beach Holiday Park, on the north bank of Newcastle waters.  Nice spot and the weather gods have so far bowed to our requests.  Again, as a priority, the satellite dish was tuned in and we watched the Dorkers get over the line this time, bourbon in hand.  More Burritos for dinner and now all that is left to do is have a good snuggle with the boys and I think we'll call it a day.  Lovin' it.

Late News:  Cutie Pie has just filled his pants - a number 3 this time.   Apparently didn't want to miss watching 'Aliens in the Attic' on telly so he let it rip just sitting there.  What the heck?

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