Sunday 6 September 2015

Fathers Day

We fell asleep like a pride of lions last night, all in a pile.  Jarrah was the only one who lasted until Pirates of the Caribbean finished at 12.30am!

So it was that it was a late start for Fathers Day.  Jarrah and I were first up to make the pancake mix and a cuppa for Bruce to have in bed.  The present opening experience was subdued a little by Fletcher sobbing hysterically because there were no presents for him! 

Bruce was spoilt with bag upon bag of red frogs, blocks of white chocolate, a biography on Steve Irwin and a funky, portable didgeridoo (see below).

Oh, and Fletcher got over his plonker pretty quick when he realised he could put the said red frogs on the Fathers Day pancakes.
After a long, slow start to the day we braved the bad weather and headed next door to check out the Dangar Falls.

Dangar Falls is a small cascade waterfall located on the Bielsdown River.  Naturally, we spent time at the playground, and then moved on to the Labyrinth.

I am glad you asked - A labyrinth is an ancient pattern of passage dating back to 2500 BC.  Unlike a maze, a labyrinth is unicursal - they have one continuous path and there is no right or wrong way to walk.  With human movement the imprint of the ancient pattern is embedded upon the earth offering a reflective space.
Next we took the short walk down to the base of the falls.
The temperature here was practically arctic so just for a joke, I dared the boys to go for a nudie swim.  With the promise of the $20 reward, I was surprised at how quickly the clothes came off!
The arctic swim didn't come without a cost - determined tears were streaming down one little face before the ordeal was over.  But shortly afterwards it was all smiles as the debts were paid.
Fletcher, who dislikes the cold almost as much as I do, wasn't having a bar of any of it, preferring to stay warm and dry and laze on the grass.
After warming everyone up with hot milo and marshmallows, a good part of the day was already gone.  We headed into town and had a great pizza at the quaint Thirty Three on Hickory.  The Hickory Dickory Dock was the choice of the day and Bruce was onto his 5th piece before he remembered he was supposed to be sharing a pizza!
After lingering over the great pizza and some pretty average NZ merlot we enjoyed a lovely long chat with the chef/owner/manager/kitchenhand/waitress.  The weather wasn't getting any better so all there was left to do was to stop and buy some chocolate and head back home to the doona! 
Happy Fathers Day Dad!


  1. I thought $20 was a good bribe but......$20 EACH!!!!! Look at them rubbing their fingers together. Haha.
    My friend Valeska who was trailing behind you around Aus has turned around and gone back home via Darwin! They never intended to go all the way, they were going to cut across but decided they wanted to be warm.
    Love and kisses to you all xxxxx

  2. I offered $20 thinking nobody would do it! Kathy it was SO cold I wouldn't have done it for $2000!!
