Saturday 5 September 2015

Wet and Wild Dorrigo

It started innocently enough with beautiful blue skies and a beaming sun rising elegantly over the coastline to warm our well rested bodies over a lovely outdoor breakfast with gourmet coffee.  It ended with the flash of lightning, the crash of thunder and sheets of rain.  Not to mention the freezing temperature.

Yep, we're in Dorrigo, which is 1000m above sea level and pretty much up in the clouds, literally.  From our little home away from home poised high on a hill at Dangar Falls it is difficult to see the other side of the valley because of the cloud base.  So why are we in Dorrigo you may ask?   Dunno.   Sounded like a good idea at the time and the attraction of a hot shower was too much to ignore, particularly as it has been over a week since our last.

To get here we farewelled the friendly locals at Corrindi beach,

And made our way south along the Pacific Highway towards Coffs Harbour.  A mandatory stop at the Big Banana, which isn't actually that big and is not actually a banana, had us stuffing even more fluffy toys and touristy merchandise into the van which, I'm sure, has now exceeded its gross vehicle mass by a factor of two.

Jarrah could not walk away from the fluffy gorilla that grips you by its limbs around your neck and waist.  He called it George (after George of the Jungle) but later, as seems to be common practice after having a bit more time to consider, changed it to Steve.  Go figure.

Jack bought a gorilla egg cup.  I don't think he gave it a name.  Fletchy wanted to buy almost everything in the shop but sadly, missed out again only to be saved by a generous gesture from Jack who gave him a wrapped packet of Tic Tacs as a present.  This seemed to satisfy him but it didn't satisfy Andrea and I who are constantly put in the delicate situation of balancing the material needs and wants of the three boys and where, it seems, Fletcher misses out on most occasions.  Having said that, the Tic Tacs worked a treat and he hasn't mentioned missing out on anything from the gift shop.

And to think that all we wanted was a photo in front of the Banana.   Note to self - DO NOT even think of walking into the gift shop at a tourist attraction AGAIN!

Next stop Dan Murphy's where, of course, we were happy to load-up willy nilly!

So, with the van axles bending in the middle and the Santy struggling under the weight, we heaved off and up the hill from Coffs Harbour to Bellingen, our destination for the next few days.  Well, until Andrea did some more research on the iPhone and found what seemed to be a lovely quiet spot high up on a hill overlooking a waterfall with cattle roaming around and rolling hills to take in all the beauty - and hot showers!  We had visions of campfires and singing and reading our favourite books in the glorious sun while the boys played happily on the playground and rode their bikes until dusk. 

The beauty of this trip has been the flexible and democratic fashion in which we have made decisions on the run.  This was one of those times.  So, on a whim, and taking into account the visions described above, our destination suddenly became Dangar Falls in Dorrigo.  Mint.  Until we got here.

The drive up the hill was pleasant and we all enjoyed the next instalment of the Harry Potter audiobook, HP and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 1.  The tightly bended road wound its way up the mountainside with a few picturesque waterfalls to glance at on the way.

We found the campground easily but as we pulled up, the rain started.  So, we were laid up in the car for a while listening to Harry get out of yet another terrifyingly suspenseful bind, much like Shaggy from Scooby Doo always does, until we had to bite the bullet and get ourselves set up.

It wasn't too bad in the end but the major casualty was Jack who, despite being told on numerous occasions not to swing between the cupboards in the van, did so and subsequently slipped off the step and landed on his back rather heavily.  This was just after he had contaminated the inside of the van with the gaseous contents of his bowel causing a complete evacuation.  So, when he fell there was not a whole lot of sympathy on offer.  It seemed on this occasion that karma had dealt an equal and opposite blow, but you wouldn't have known it from the howling.  Once we actually saw the extent of the wound on Jack's back we realised quickly that he was in serious pain and developed an honest amount of sympathy.  It must have REALLY hurt him.

OUCH! (oh and check out the love handles on him!)

With all this drama aside and the van fully set up with power, water and the all important satellite dish deployed we could enjoy, at last, a nice hot shower.  It was bliss.  It felt wonderful to be clean again. 

We spent the remainder of the afternoon snuggled up in the van doing homework and watching the Dockers get smashed by Port Adelaide.  We sampled a few nips of the Jack Daniels Andrea bought me for Father's Day and sat back to watch "Pirates of the Caravan", as Fletchy calls it.

Andrea cooked up a tasty chicken, pumpkin and basil risotto and followed it up with thick custard, which was met with much approval from all and sundry.  All we have to do now is kick back and wait for tomorrow morning where I will be fed, watered, pampered and generally idolised for a full 24 hour period - Fathers Day.  Kiddin' I ain't gonna soak it up.

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