Tuesday 22 September 2015

Two Days In Sydney - The Expurgated Version

Yesterday, we started here.
After a short walk to the train station and a 20 minute ride on a double decker train, which amazed the boys, we arrived here.

According to Fletcher, it is the longest longest longest longest longest (you get the message) longest bridge he has ever had to walk across!  Poor bugger was exhausted by the time we got to the Rocks!
We had heard that there was some sort of 'house' in Sydney that was a must see.

We thought it must have been the 'Mad House". 
Until we saw this house! 
A truly remarkable building on a truly remarkable day.
 Jarrah absolutely fell in love with it. 
We wandered through the historic 'Rocks' and ate bananas before heading for Circular Quay where we caught the ferry to Manly for lunch on the beach.  Andrea was disappointed when she realised that the Pacific Pearl wasn't actually the Manly Ferry. Nonetheless, a wonderful day to be out on Sydney Harbour!
We had fun the whole way, strolling along the beach and looking at all the people and wonderful places.  It was actually like being on holidays! 

 The boys were amazed at the Gelato but settled on a slushie from Hungry Jacks.

  The staff at Luna Park were very colourful but kept clowning around.   
Having to cover all the bases we could, we ended up at Darling Harbour late in the day.  We had done so much in one day and had had so much fun wherever we went it was time to put the feet up, enjoy a nice drink and take it all in. 
 We passed the Aquarium and had to get a shot of all our creatures, great and small.
Andrea and I enjoyed a couple of beers at a harbourside bar and we all ate yummy pizza for dinner.  Unbeknown to us when we sat down, the bar had an amazing bowling alley inside!  Despite the fact that we had squeezed so much into one day and that it was getting quite late, it took a lot of convincing for the boys to 'drop the ball' and head on home.
Fletcher was looking a bit spent.  It had been a long day and after the train ride back to Lane Cove he pretty much crashed.  Jack and Jarrah, on the other hand, defied all logic and stayed up until 2AM playing Monopoly while Andrea, Fletcher and I punched out the zzz's.  A herculean effort from whichever way you look at it!

Today was almost a mirror image of yesterday's triumph, in terms of intensity and distances travelled, particularly by foot.  Jack and Jarrah rose particularly brightly, despite their nocturnal activities and it wasn't long before we were back on the train into town.   This time it was destination Bronte Beach for a 3km walk along the headland to Bondi Beach for lunch.
We weren't disappointed with the scenery.

The walk was fun but the wind was absolutely howling and we were quite relieved to be inside the North Bondi RSL to munch on a nice Chicken Parmigiana sooner than later.  The boys shared the Barramundi and chips while Andrea took on the best Sizzling Garlic Prawns she had ever tasted, followed by a LARGE slice of White Chocolate Cheesecake.  YUM! 

We took the bus and train back into the city during peak hour, which was a bit of an eye opener for us all.  The boys are experiencing so many things.  From travelling underground in a double-decker train to being inside the Sydney Opera House, they (we) are doing things they will never forget and will benefit greatly from.  It has been a fabulous two days but there are too many stories, laughs and experiences to write about and not enough time or blog-space.    
And we have so much more to go!!


  1. You could of dropped around to Kirribilli House and given Tony a hand to move!

    1. Funny you should say that...we were looking for the removal trucks. I actually thought it would have been cool to see a few chooks pecking around the gardens...
