Thursday 18 June 2015

Darwin - Haircuts & Harleys

So all good things must come to an end and with a tear in our eyes we said our goodbyes to Darwin.

During our time here, we discovered that Deb is a woman of many talents - she cooks BBQs better than the blokes, she's good at first aid, she has a green thumb, she can iron clothes without an iron, she drivers trucks, she rides a Harley, the kids love her AND she's great at haircuts!  What a woman!!

 Before we left, Fletch was keen to take a ride with the big boys...

...but they all had to go to work, so he decided to just hang with his bros!

Thanks so much to Deb and Steve (and Barry & Buck) for opening up your place to us for the past 12 days.  We have had the best fun staying in Noonamah!  We will always remember your wonderful hospitality, Burt Dunstall and the Humpty Doo GP!  (Arghhhhh!!!)


  1. Wow what a great adventure youve had of late! Poor Bruce, hope his foot is mending well and the boys are vomit free!! Really loving the photos, more please!!! And more with you in it ;) look forward to hearing the next chapter of your trip. Love to you all xxx Alyson xx

  2. Hey there, thanks for your comments! Bruce is mending well and thankfully the vomiting has stopped for now. We have labelled their end of the caravan 'the spew pit'. Not many photos of me coz I'm always behind the camera! Sorry. xxxxx

  3. Replies
    1. Yup, even when Bruce does occasionally grab the camera, he doesn't have his glasses on and so they usually come out all blurry!! :-(
