Wednesday 24 June 2015

Kronosaurus Korner

Today we visited Kronosaurus Korner, the dinosaur museum at Richmond. 

In 1926 a complete skeleton of the prehistoric reptile Kronosaurus queenslandicus was discovered some 48 kms from Richmond.  The specimen is believed to be about 112 million years old. 

The museum has some of the best preserved dinosaur fossils and skeletons in the world.  The dinosaurs on display were almost exclusively sea-borne creatures which looked similar to modern day whales, dolphins and turtles but much larger.  According to Fletcher, "it was cool".  His favourite bit was digging in the pit and uncovering a real dinosaur fossil...

We finished off the visit with morning tea in the Moonrock Café and Bruce bought a cowboy hat.  Nothing to do with dinosaurs...

Then it was back to the highway for the trip to Townsville.  We passed through Hughenden and made our way on to Charters Towers.  Fletcher provided non-stop entertainment by exercising his dead pet rat, Fluffy, who resides in his backside, consistently and persistently throughout the day.  OMG.  The stench overpowered us so much and on so many occasions that we had to travel with the windows down, resulting in us having to refuel twice!  Enough to drive a parent to drink!

The boys ripped through their homework and actually behaved nicely throughout (despite the stench)so we decided to reward them with an icecream from McDonalds!  Unfortunately, after lining up with 45 school kids to get served they said that they had run out of icecream.   When does McDonalds ever run out of icecream!!!?   Sad faces all-round.  Anyway, we found a camping shop and bought a camp oven, so tonight it's damper by the camp fire.  Not quite the same as icecream but yummy all the same.


  1. Loving your stories there Johnston clan. xx Nicole Entz and Clan

  2. What are you feeding Fletcher? Have to laugh! xx

  3. A real dead rat?? Get rid of it!!
