Sunday 28 June 2015

Townsville - Land of Pancakes & Icecream

What a great way to start the day.  Pancakes and "Jelly Fish Fritters" for breakfast at the 'Fish Inn' whilst overlooking the beautiful coastline and parks on the foreshore.  The Townsville Iron Man / Triathlon was on at the same time so we suffered mega-guilt, for about a nanosecond, from stuffing our faces with such beautiful food while everyone else was putting in the hard yards.  

The local markets were on today so we ventured over there and browsed for a couple of hours.  Jarrah was mature enough and brave enough to walk away from the purchase of a gemstone he wanted to buy because he was treated poorly by the stall-holder.  Such a mature decision that he made - we were all very proud of him to walk away.  "She doesn't deserve my money", he said. Notwithstanding that, we had a good time.

We drove to the top of Castle Hill, the large 'rock' that sits right in the middle of Townsville. 


It is a terrific view from up the top!  Again, we were able to watch people doing the hard yards by walking, running and cycling up the hill, which is over 3km of winding road to get to the top -  290m high. 

The rest of the day was spent hanging around the van and doing odd jobs such as pushbike puncture repairs, homework and drinking beer.  You can guess whom was doing what.  We even had a spot of rain briefly, the first since we left Keysbrook! 

All good, people.

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