Monday 15 June 2015

Royal Darwin Hospital

Sunday turned out to be not such a good day for us.  Bruce trod on a broken bottle and was rewarded with a nasty cut on his foot.  Jack found him sitting on the driveway and did a great job of 'going to get an adult to help'.  He then proceeded to fall apart.  Poor kid - seeing his Dad in pain and covered in a lot of blood was just too much for him.

So it was off to the Humpty Doo GP, which turned out to be a total disaster.  We realised we were in trouble soon enough when the Doctor couldn't work out how to get the bandage off.  Once we'd helped him out with that, we realised he was planning on stitching the wound without checking or cleaning it...

Next it was off to Royal Darwin Hospital where the service we had was nothing short of brilliant!  The staff were all warm, friendly and efficient and Doctor Don Hannan was competent, funny and a little bit cute!  A little more groaning from Bruce, a few corny jokes, a lot of anaesthetic ("enough to sedate an elephant" I think the Dr said),  and four stitches and we're on our way home.

Thanks to Barry for chauffeuring us around Darwin and also for supplying the chocolate to boost those glucose levels.  I figure low glucose levels must have been why I found myself lying on the floor in a cold sweat in the treatment room....

Things started to look up in the afternoon with Fletch enjoying time spent with his mates Steve Gardener and Burt Dunstall.

The boys enjoyed an afternoon spa, and we all had a scrumptious dinner of BBQ crocodile.  We lit the 'bomb' fire, had fun with some mystic fire and giant sparklers, and even got to see How Ridiculous break a new world record!
But that was the end of the fun for me.  After getting the poor patient settled in bed with his foot elevated I spent what was left of the night patting Jack's back as he emptied the contents of his stomach!  Repeatedly!  Blahh!!  But I am happy to report Jack's aim was true!  Every drop in the bucket!  Good on you Jack!

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