Friday 5 June 2015

El Questro

After a couple of days relaxing and recovering by the pool at Kimberleyland Caravan Park in Kununurra, on Sunday we hit the Gibb River Road once again to see the famous  El Questro Wilderness Park.
We headed off early in order to get to Zibbiddee Hot Springs before it closes to the public at midday.  The short walk in through the tropical palm forest was beautiful and the springs were lovely. 
 For a period we did have to share them with far too many other tourists, but we waited it out, and soon had the place practically to ourselves!
  There are some benefits of travelling with three spirited boys!!!

We had a BYO lunch at The Station.  This in itself was pretty funny as El Questro is pretty fancy - $7 for a pie, $11 for a beer etc. - and we sat at the picnic tables eating our spam sandwiches.....

We did explain to the boys that we could have stayed at the El Questro Homestead for a week...but at $2799 per night it would have been in lieu of the next 7 months of our holiday!

After lunch it was off to Emma Gorge.  This was a solid, one hour walk into the gorge, scrambling over lots of boulders and rock hopping through some water ways.

The reward at the end was outstanding!

We all went swimming (needed to cool off) but the water was freezing!  (Well, not as cold as Bolinda Vale's dam, but still very cold!)  Luckily, we found a small thermal stream feeding in from the right hand side and this water was as warm as toast!  The problem was just that we had to swim right across the freezing water to get to it, and to get back!

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