Saturday 20 June 2015

Mataranka & Bitter Springs

There is no greatness without simplicity.
Tribute to Don Bradman by Mrs Aeneus Gunn, author of We Of The Never Never.

We've spent the last two nights at Mataranka Homestead. The Homestead borders Elsey National Park and is situated between two rivers,  the Waterhouse river and the Little Roper river which abound with Barramundi and other fish species.  (not that we've caught any!!)

The movie "We of the Never Never" was filmed here, and the replica of the original homestead is still part of the attractions.

We all enjoyed watching this classic Australian movie set at Elsey Station in the early 1900s.  It is played in the Mataranka bar each day.

Mataranka Thermal Pool was dedicated as a reserve in 1967 to ensure the presentation of the thermal spring and surrounding palm forest.  The pool is at a constant 34 degrees and flows from Rainbow Springs at an amazing 30.5 million litres a day.  Jack and Jarrah played a new 'drinking' game they learned from some AJs at Berry Springs...

Bitter Springs is another tropical spring fed pool just two kms from Mataranka.  Set among palms and tropical forest, it was the perfect way to relax.  Such a shame Bruce couldn't join us as he's still healing...

To top off a great stay here, we got to enjoy world class whip cracker Nathan Griggs and his impressive whip cracking show.  Fletch and I got to be part of the show by lying on the ground (very still!!) while Nathan cracked his whips at high speed all around us.  Of course we couldn't leave without one of his hand made inner tube whips...might put the next regional hospital on standby!

Now it's common knowledge that Mataranka Homestead is home to some very tame wallabies and peacocks!  This evening we discovered that the spiders are quite tame, too.  One wanted to live with us in the caravan, deciding to give Bruce a cuddle at bedtime...
Oh, and OMG I can't believe how chilly it has become all of a sudden, and only a few hundred kilometres from Darwin!  Had to get the winter PJs out and put the heater on in the van tonight!  Brrrrrrrrrrrrr 


  1. Kaleb says that looks really cool!
    Hope you're having a good time says Josh
    Caitlin is doing trapeze so says nothing 😃

    1. What looks cool? The spider? The whips? The skulling game?
