Tuesday 30 June 2015

Lucinda - From Coconuts to Coral Trout!

Well today we said farewell to Townsville, with it's unusual architecture -

and it's tribal rock art...
And travelled north just over 100 kms to reach the beautiful coastal town of Lucinda, located at the southern entrance to the Hinchinbrook Channel, just near the town of Ingham.
We are lucky enough to be staying with local fishing legend and all around great guy, Laurie, and his Ewok, Boots.  Laurie is the Dad of a friend from Perth, and he and Boots have welcomed us into their home like long lost family!
After we set up camp it was time for Bruce to do the domestics (yup, there was ANOTHER accident in the caravan last night!) while Boots took me and the boys to the beach. 
The beach walk was cool!  We were fascinated by the 6 km long sugar jetty - the world's largest bulk sugar loading facility, and dazzled by the view of the world heritage listed Hinchinbrook Island.
The boys were even more fascinated by the coconuts.  The shore is lined with dozens of coconut trees, and thus the beach is scattered with hundreds of coconuts.  The boys had great fun rolling them, throwing them, sitting on them, standing on them, trying to smash them and eventually collecting some to take back to Laurie's.  I've got to admit we were more successful collecting them from the ground than from the tops of the trees, but we had fun trying!  How do those Islanders do that?
Laurie showed us how to open them and we all decided we like the flesh a lot more than the coconut water.  I couldn't help thinking how much I paid in Perth for coconut water last year as a regular part of my body building diet....
We were spoilt with a sensational dinner of coral trout (lightly floured and shallow fried in panco breadcrumbs) by our marvellous host who is clearly much more than just a great fisherman!
I am not sure that we did the mountain of fresh fillets justice.  There seemed to be quite a lot left over but the suggestion was made that we eat the remainder for lunch tomorrow.  Problem is, I'm not sure I'll have any room left after eating these...
 But I'll give it a go!
I was really impressed with Jack and Jarrah jumping up after dinner to help with the dishes.  Unfortunately, that didn't end well with Jack trying to slice his thumb off with a mighty sharp filleting knife.  Jack coped admirably with the blood and the pain, but suffice to say I don't think he's going to be the surgeon in the family!
The bright side is that we managed to avoid another trip to the local regional hospital.  Oh, and yes, in the picture Jack is sucking on a lemon.  It seemed to take his mind off the pain...kind of...

1 comment:

  1. We loooved Lucinda and the kids did love the coconuts lol! Give
    Laurie a big hug for us. Try and stay away from sharp objects! Xx
