Saturday 27 June 2015

Crashed Out in Townsville

It was a quick 7km run under the beautiful Townsville sunrise for Andrea but it was a lazy wake up call at 0830 by four F18 jets taking off overhead that started the day for the rest of us.  The RAAF base is not far from us and there is a major military exercise on in the Top End at the moment.  The fighter jets are terrific to watch but are LOUD!

After a belly full of bacon, eggs and baked beans we headed off to the pool for a dip.  We did a promotional photo shoot for the caravan park management by the pool, which was rewarded with a free lollipop for the boys, but bugger-all for us.

We rode our bikes along the coastline to Jezzine Barracks at Kissing Point and The Strand for another dip in the beautiful rock pool but ended up just using the swings, flying fox and ice-creamery - yum. 

Townsville was bombed three times in WW2 by the Japanese but these guns (below) were not much help.  Hard to track and shoot down a Jap Zero with two 5inch shore battery guns! Not that it mattered.....  Luckily, the only damage to the town was some broken windows at the racecourse, which had probably happened during a drunken night at the Townsville Cup anyway and had not been reported before the attack.

Battery Sergeant Jack with his able crew of artillerymen in the defence of Townsville, circa 1945.

Ice cream seems to be a recurring theme on this trip!

It was very relaxing and quite good fun at the Rock Pool.  By the time we got back, Fletcher pranged his bike at the door of the caravan and collapsed in a heap, falling asleep on top of his bike in the exact position he fell.

He remained there for over half an hour before he was scooped up and put to bed, while Jack and Jarrah watched the free outdoor movie at the caravan park, 'Penguins of Madagascar'.  Fletch woke up when they came back to the caravan and chucked a major spack when he realised that he slept through the whole thing!  He got to watch a bit of Scooby Doo on the telly, so that pacified him a bit.

More beer.
More wine.

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