Sunday 14 June 2015

Darwin - Noonamah Rodeo

On Saturday evening the rodeo came to town and I am so pleased we made the effort to go!  We watched man and beast go head to head with some of Australia's toughest bull riders taking on some of NT's toughest bucking bulls.

The boys managed to get seats on the fence (literally) and it was really quite terrifying being that close.  One poor rider got stomped on and we watched his convulsing body collapse in a heap.  His unconscious form was unceremoniously whisked away to the waiting ambulance.  We watched a couple of the rodeo clowns get tossed metres in the air like ragdolls by these angry bovines, only to jump back up and get right on with their antagonising antics!

Of course if we were game, we could have paid the bargain basement price of $80 for the privilege of having a go on one of these crazy bulls ourselves!  There was no shortage of volunteers and I was impressed that there was even one lady bull rider!

And who can go to a rodeo without having a go on the mechanical bull?  Not us!  Even Fletcher rode the wild one!

 As with any good rodeo, there were also bucking broncos, free style motocross riders and the obligatory bogan burnouts (which the boys loved!)  We had such a fun night.  Thanks to Dave & Theresa, James & Sarah for your great company! 



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