Sunday 7 June 2015

Darwin - Settling in and Meeting the Locals!

We were greeted at Noonamah (on the outskirts of Darwin) by our friend and ex-next door neighbour from Keysbrook, Deb.  We were also given a hearty welcome by her friends Steve, Barry and one of the other locals!

After a game of monopoly that last several hours and resulted in Jarrah bankrupt and in tears, we headed down the road to Berry Springs Nature Park.  We found a beautiful picnic area with several natural pools and a small waterfall fed by crystal clear spring water and surrounded by natural bush.

We spent all afternoon here, floating around on our noodles and sliding down the waterfall.  It wasn't until we got out later in the day that we read the signs...

On the way home we had to stop and closely check out these amazing termite mounds.  The kids are fascinated by the fact that they are made from spit and poo!

All in all a great day.  We finished it off with Bruce doing a joy flight ...

...and a BBQ, drinks, bonfire and tree climbing (ok, that was just me!) with our hosts!

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