Wednesday 1 July 2015

Mudcrabs, Millers & Merlot

How  could we be anything but perfectly content here in our own little tropical oasis?

Jarrah, Fletcher and  Bruce were up early and away with Laurie in his boat to check the crab pots, while Jack and I took Boots to the beach.
After a hearty bacon and egg breakfast it was off again, this time in Laurie's other boat (yup, he has more than one!) for a personal 'eco tour' through the Hinchinbrook channel.  The scenery was breathtaking, and while we didn't catch sight of the local six metre monster croc, we were thrilled to see Jack catch his first ever fish!

While Jack was stoked with his catfish, Jarrah seemed equally pleased with his baitfish....

...and Fletch just continued with his current 'sleep anywhere' theme!
After a bit of excitement when we hit a sandbar on the way back to the boat ramp, we were all ravenous on returning to Laurie's place for a late lunch.  Did I mention that the crabbing was successful?
With a belly full of mudcrabs and Millers Chill it was GU for Bruce and a SCAN for Laurie while Jack and Jarrah did their homework and Fletcher made peg monsters.  The afternoon seemed to roll nicely into 'happy hour' with Laurie creating a delicious mudcrab dip to wash down our cab merlot.  A bit of dinner and a few games of Skipbo and Old Maid and the day was done!
Thanks Laurie, you're an absolute gem!
Note:  GU = Guts Up
           SCAN = Senior Citizen's Afternoon Nap

1 comment:

  1. Love that you provided explanation for your abbreviations. I'd worked out Afternoon Nap but that was as far as I got. Might head for a GU shortly myself. xx BF
