Friday 3 July 2015

Wallaman Falls

This morning the crabs weren't biting so we took a picnic lunch (left over coral trout and mud crabs) and headed to Wallaman Falls.  Wallaman Falls is a cascade and horsetail waterfall on the Stony Creek within the Girringun National Park, just a short drive from Ingham.

Wallaman Falls is the highest permanent, single drop waterfall in Australia.  The falls are 268 metres high, the pool depth at the bottom is 20 metres and the height above sea level is 540 metres.

 This place is difficult to describe in words.  It takes your breath away.  It's magical.  It is part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, home to some of the oldest continuously surviving rainforests on earth and many endangered plants and animals, including the cassowary and musky rat-kangaroo.

After a hearty lunch we decided to tackle the 3.2 kilometre Diyinda walk into the gorge, for a closer look at the falls.  The path into the gorge was steep, slippery and treacherous but we were compensated with a heart stopping, thunderous reward at the bottom.

We were the very proud parents of two tough little troopers and one little pack rat who powered back up that hill without a single grumble.  They were promised a Maccas icecream reward but all three slept so soundly all the way back that we didn't have the heart to wake them.  Jack is quoted as "never going to sleep in the car again!"

On our return to Lucinda Laurie trumped us with the most unique local souveneir the boys could have ever hoped for.

They each received a mudcrab claw necklace alla Uncle Laurie.  Laurie you are a National Treasure!

'The Last Supper' consisted of 'chicken on crutches', and was followed up with a lesson in Cribbage  and some leftover 'spicky spicky' pudding.  We sure are gonna miss you, Laurie!!

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