Saturday 4 July 2015

Mission Beach

With a tear in our eye we said goodbye to Laurie and Boots and hit the road once more.

Thanks Laurie for your wonderful hospitality, friendship and generosity!  You certainly are a man of many talents.  When we left this morning Laurie had just finished cooking and icing a cake for his 'adopted' grand daughter across the road  (Incidentally, Laurie has more Tupperware than Jacqui!!!!)  With more visitors inbound this morning, I'm guessing you didn't get your SCAN again today!

Just after the turnoff to Mission Beach we noticed the sign indicating that cassowaries eat cars ...

But it was pretty cool when we actually had to stop for one crossing the road less than a kilometre past this sign.  These beautiful, flightless and now critically endangered birds stand well over 1 metre high.  Luckily for us, this one must have been in a good mood, and didn't eat our car!

We arrived at Mission Beach just before lunch time.  Good thing too, as the beachfront caravan park was full by 1pm.  We have no power here but can see the waves crashing onto the beach from our beds.  Happy Days!

Mission Beach has the closest access along the eastern coast to the Great Barrier Reef.  It has a very relaxed, village lifestyle.  The unspoilt, palm fringed coastline overlooks more than 20 tropical islands, the closest being Dunk Island only 4 kms away.

I think we'll be settling in here for a few days...

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