Friday 24 July 2015

Cape Kimberley

It wasn't until I returned from my rainforest run this morning that I remembered the pegged cane toad.  I checked him out and he was happily doing 360s around his tent peg.  Ewww.  So, after a great cooked breakfast (for us, not the toad), his time had come.  Cane toad BMX hadn't worked, but rally cane toad seemed to do the trick.

We spent the rest of this beautiful sunny morning on a leisurely walk along the beautiful Cape Kimberley Beach.

We chatted to a local guy while the boys threw the ball countless times for his border collie.  We splashed in the water and chased the Bubbler Crabs.

These little guys are really cute.  They live in burrows in the sand, where they remain during high tide.  When the tide is out they emerge on to the surface and scour the sand for food, forming the sand into inflated pellets.  These little pellets are cleverly formed into beautiful patterns.

The rest of the day was spent playing cricket under the melaleuca paperbarks, playing pool in the bar, reading books, completing school work and building the camp fire.

Incidentally, Johnstons 3, cane toads 0.  We've now discovered the camp fire works much better than the Hyundai.

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