Thursday 30 July 2015

Big Crystal Creek

After giving my joggers a few days off I hit the track this morning before the rest of the family was out of bed.  It was a peaceful 5 km run to the Rock Slides and back – very lumpy terrain but perfect conditions for running.  I am glad to report that the sun is shining again!

 We all enjoyed a hearty cooked breakfast before heading off on our day at the local rock pools.  The native bush chooks (Australian Brush Turkey) seemed quite taken with our cooked breakfast too!

First on the agenda was the Rock Slides.  Bruce, Jack and Jarrah headed out first on their bikes, and Fletch and I followed up in the car with bathers, towels, beach balls, noodles, snacks, drinks, sunscreen, aeroguard and the myriad of other items we must carry with us at all times!!!
According to local knowledge there wasn’t a lot of water at the Rock Slides, but we certainly made the most of the water that was there.

Unfortunately, the long swimming pants that Jack and Jarrah love so much had their final wear today.  Both boys wore a huge hole in the backside of their pants, sliding down the rocks.  Baring their butts didn’t seem to bother them too much, in fact they seemed to enjoy it!  Some very funny photos were taken but have been withheld for modesty reasons!
After a few hours at the Rock Slides the troops were getting hungry, so we headed for home, collecting some fire wood along the way.  After a short break for lunch, it was off to Paradise Pool – a short 200 metre walk from our camp site.

There was no shortage of water at Paradise Pool, and the boys had fun jumping from the rocks and trying to bombie on the fish.

 Although it was mid afternoon by this stage, the boys were keen to head back to the Rock Slides to check out a different section that we didn’t get to this morning.  The rock pools were in shade by this stage, but the boys didn’t seem to mind!
We dragged them away, shivering uncontrollably, about 5pm.

After a BBQ dinner, Jarrah again amazed us with his culinary skills, by producing an award winning Nutella damper for supper.  Yum!

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